Day of Resurrection

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, March 31st through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you. We convey our warm Easter greetings to you on behalf of God’s Love Ministry and our family. Happy Easter! God bless you all.

This is the last day of the month; let it be the last day of our sin. May today be a day of resurrection for righteousness for all who were dead in sin. Our God was crucified on the cross, willingly gave His life, was buried, and rose again after three days. Today, may all our sins be buried in the grave and let us also rise alive with our Lord Jesus. I bless you all to arise and glorify the name of the Lord. Today is the day Jesus was resurrected. Together with Him, holding on to a new life, resurrected with the power of resurrection, decide to live a new life.

God has a wonderful auspicious word for us today.
Let us read Isaiah 25:8, “He will swallow up death forever.” He changed death to be a victory. Today, may God first grant you a victory over sin. After which may He grant you a victory in life, in studies, a victory in the career, a victory in the ministry. First, where should a man be victorious? Let a man’s first victory be over the world, flesh and satan.

God gave the position of a ruler over Egypt when Joseph won over his flesh. Despite getting a chance to fall for the wrong sinful lust in the days of his youth yet he overcame that lust and acquired victory. He received the jail punishment, but that punishment earned him the position of the ruler of Egypt. That is the victory of winning over world, flesh and satan. He was exalted royally.

Daniel decided one day not to defile himself with the King’s wine or alcohol. He was firm in his decision. Everyone around him had drunk the wine, even the King had ordered them to drink. But amidst all of that, he did not defile his body which was the temple that the Lord resided in. The next day morning he received the post of the district collector of Babylon, Babylon district magistrate. If you want to victoriously overcome the world, you must submit the victory of overcoming the flesh, world and satan to God.

On this resurrection day this is what the Lord expects from you. A new life. Put a full stop to your old sinful life and start a new resurrected life with Jesus. The power of resurrection will revive your dead conscience, will rejuvenate your dead organs, will revive your dead womb, and will restore all your dead blessings. God promises this during the resurrection festival. Before that if you overcome satan, flesh, and the world all these victories will come with you. Today I pray and bless that the resurrection power operates in your spirit, soul, and body. Your ruined, failed career life, ministry life, and education life will be resurrected today. God will make you victorious.

Dear Lord, we thank You. We are celebrating Your resurrection today. We pray that we too will receive a true resurrection in our spirit, soul, and body on this day. Let us die to our sins and resurrect for righteous life. Every evil habit, trait, sin that surrounds us, let us bury them all today. Lord sanctify my children so that they live for You. Make them eligible for it. Grant my children a new life today. From today with the mind of Christ let my children take new decisions. Let my children once again regain all their lost wealth. Grant them victory Lord in the same place they failed. May the dead organs be resurrected in the name of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name Amen.

Goodness of God

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day. When we begin April 1st, it is the start of a new financial year. The new accounting year starts today. Even though generally the New Year begins on January 1st for business people, the new accounting year by the government starts on April 1st and ends on March 31st. So, we have entered a new accounting year. On behalf of God’s Love Ministries and personally on behalf of me I pray and bless that you will receive all wealth, live peacefully with good health. May your vessels overflow this new accounting year. May your kneading bowl be blessed. Henceforth, may you collect basketsful of surplus. This is God’s blessing for you. May God increase your income so that you have reached the slab to pay income tax to the government. It is my blessing that you and your children receive a good name, fame, and status in society from this new accounting year. It is my wholehearted blessing that the floodgates of heaven be opened to bless you in this regard. May God perform miracles. May all your losses become gains in this new accounting year. You should no longer have any debts in the new accounting year. May God bless the works of your hands so that every debt is removed, and you are able to give loans to others by increasing your wealth. From the bottom of my heart, I bless you my spiritual children with these beautiful Mangala Vaarthai. Let all these words be fulfilled. What Mangala Vaarthai does the Lord have on this new accounting year?

Let us read Psalms 103:5 “Who satisfies your mouth with good things.” This new accounting year will give you satisfaction, good things will happen. Why did God say He will satisfy our mouth with good things? If you are satisfied in life, satisfied in business, satisfied in ministry, satisfied with the income, immediately our hearts will rejoice, and our tongues will praise God listing every good thing. According to this verse, “I will satisfy your mouth with good things”. He will satisfy your life so that your mouth will utter good words, devoid of lament. Generally, when we face famine, we will lament. The Bible says, the happy one will sing Psalms. If our heart rejoices it will be reflected on our faces. Our words will only be declarations of faith. If you ask, is your income and business going fine this month. We will reply, it is super, by the grace of God. But if we have faced losses, then we will retort in languish, what life is this, every month as usual I am facing loss, famine, and debts. As usual, I was not able to pay my rent. Like this, we will grumble. In this new accounting year God will satisfy you with good things.

When a prophet died, she was left behind with huge debts and she could not face the creditors. There was no possibility of returning the loan as well. The creditors came and said when we come next time if you are unable to give back the loan then we will take both your sons as slaves to work for us. She was in a situation where she was going to sacrifice her sons for her husband’s debts. She went and told this matter to a man of God. She went to Prophet Elisha and told her problem.

Do you know why she went to the Prophet? She wanted to get a solution for her problem. She wanted to get a godly counsel. She was in deep agony thinking about her children. How can she hand over her children to the creditors? She came in search of prophet Elisha seeking counsel to find out if there was any other alternative. He listened to her problem. What do you have? I have a jar of little oil. Go and collect all the vessels from your neighbours, keep them in your room and close the door. Now call out to God and start pouring the oil into all the vessels. Similarly, according to the godly counsel, she came into the house before taking her two sons into the room, she collected all the empty vessels from her neighbours and kept them in a room. Now she took her two sons, the little oil she had, and went into the room. She closed the room. She called out to God with her problems. She started pouring the oil. As she poured the little oil, she had all the vessels filled. The mother then asked, is there no more empty vessels? The sons replied, Mother, in the entire city there are no more empty vessels. All the empty vessels are in our house, and they are all filled. When they said this, the little oil in the jar stopped flowing. The Lord who fed 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and two fish, the Lord who used the little oil in the jar and filled all the vessels in the city, is alive today. He is a God who causes increase. Once all the vessels were filled, she went again to the prophet to tell him about the miracle. He said, go sell the oil and repay all the loans. With the remaining you and your sons can live happily. In the same way, even as she sold some of the vessels her debts were repaid. She paid all her creditors but was still left with plenty of oil. With that, she and her children lived happily. You will receive that kind of miracle. Are you also living in poverty? Take your husband and children go into a room, and kneel down, maybe you have only 5 rupees in your hand, or 2 rupees, or 500 rupees. Whatever treasure you have, take it and go into a room in the presence of God. Lord, I have only this, You are a God of increase. You are a God who does great miracles with little. Lord my requirements are great, what I have is very little. Write down the list of debts. The miracle that happened during the time of Elisha will happen in your house. Definitely it will happen. This is what I have in my hand God, I am going to put this as capital and start a business. A miracle will happen in your house today. It will happen. This is what I have in my hand, this will be the capital with which I will start my business. With this I will start this month, Lord. With this I will start my career and survive. Bless this for me Lord. God will bless that, He enlarge your boundaries, and perform miracles as your basket keeps overflowing.

Beloved children of God, ask the Lord to increase what you have in your hand. You are a God who multiplies. I trust in you alone, multiply this for me. You gave me these children, I must educate them, and do good things for them, I have a lot of needs. In this new accounting new year, I need a breakthrough, Lord. According to the word, who satisfies your mouth with good things. May He grant you a good income. The Psalmist said, I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me good things. When the Lord does good things, you cannot but sing. This entire month God will guide you in this way. Today close the door and pray as a family. Make this a habit from this new month. The prophet did not say to the widow, you alone go into the room and fill the empty vessels. He said, take your children and all of you go into the room. Do you know what the significance is of everyone going into the room? It is a sign of oneness. When you say Lord we come into your presence as a family, it is a great blessing.

During the times of Jehoshaphat, he was surrounded by enemies one time. Do you know what the Bible says, Jehoshaphat asked all the citizens of the country including the children, husbands, wives, young men, and young women the entire families went to the temple crying, Lord save our lives. We are in great danger. Instead of going against the enemies they went to God. The Bible says there were children and the entire family. In our language we can say, they came and gathered at the church with their whole family. God gave them good counsel. Counsel is important. What did that counsel do? King Jehoshaphat says, let not the army go in front but let those who sing in our church, the choir let them go in front. The singers in the choir are usually loved by God like His angels. Like the angels praise God, these singers also do an exalted job. Let them go in front. They sang and praised God. All the enemies were destroyed and they were granted victory. God will grant you a victorious life. Many children are waiting for victory after writing exams. No one expects failure. God will grant you very good marks as well. God will also grant you admission to the group that you desire. Perhaps you think you don’t have the money to pay the fees for that course. The Lord who has granted the marks and admission won’t He help you pay the fees? He will do it. Don’t let go of your faith. Hold firmly. When you believe you will see the glory of God. Only with faith you will witness the miracle. Today is a day of good news. A day wherein God will fill all your empty vessels, Be of good cheer. As your vessels overflow, I believe it will also be a blessing to those around you, not only this month but in the coming months. I am going to pray and bless you now. May God satisfy your mouth with good things on this first day.

Prayer :
Dear Lord, we thank You. Thank You for giving my children a wonderful Mangala Vaarthai. Yesterday we celebrated the festival of resurrection, the very next day we entered this new month. May the power of Your resurrection descend on each one of these children. May the power of Your resurrection descend on them from the top of their heads to the souls of their feet. May it descend in their places of business. May it descend in their places of ministry. May it descend in their workplace. The God who swallowed death victoriously for my children, now swallow all their failures victoriously and command victory and success for my children. You said, victory comes from the Lord. Thank You that they are gaining victory from the Lord. Thank You. Even now Lord, let all that my children do prosper. Let everything, they touch become gold. According to this month’s promise, satisfy them with good things. You said, I will satisfy your mouth with good things. Lord, satisfy my children. Satisfy them with a good income, good health, and wealth, gift of prayer, in both spiritual matters and worldly matters. Perform every good event that is hindered in their lives. Perform a miracle by breaking every barrier. My children who experienced evil continuously henceforth let them experience a continuous flow of good things. I wholeheartedly bless my children, perform miracles. In Jesus Name Amen.

The Set Time has come

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. What Mangala Vaarthai does the Lord have for us today?

Let us read Psalms 102:13, “You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favour her, Yes, the set time, has come.” Will the Lord extend His favour towards you? He will. He has a set time and season for it. At the correct time, the Lord’s favour will be reflected on you, and will be effective.

There are many types of favour, one of it is favour with God, and the other one is favour in the eyes of man. Both favour of God and favour of man should come from God. Unless the Lord commands we will not receive favour in the eyes of man. Joseph found favour in the eyes of Potiphar, and in the eyes of the chief jailer. Lastly, he received favour in the eyes of the King. The background of receiving favour in the eyes of these three people is favour with God. That is why God says, for the time to favour you, the set time, has come. The Lord will arise today in your lives to show favour. He will arise and stand in your lives.

The tempest will be silenced. Every debt will be repaid. Every shame will come to an end. When the disciples were reeling in the boat, fearing they would die in the boat, the Lord got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Today, God will arise and stand in boat of your life and calm the wind, waves, tempest, shame, and help you to run your life happily and calmly. For this God will show mercy today. Lord will arise and have mercy on Zion, according to this word; God will have mercy on you and perform a miracle. When Canaanite woman cried, Lord have mercy, He had mercy and granted freedom to her daughter. Today for whoever you are crying Lord have mercy, arise in my life, arise in my child’s life, there will be a new dawn.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Arise and come into the boat of our life. Secondly, have mercy on us. Thirdly, favour us. Because the time to favour us and the set time has come, in this set time by your immense favour the good events, auspicious occasions that have not yet taken place, may they happen in the lives of my children. By Your immense favour, may their massive failures become victories. May their sorrow be turned into joy. May their weeping be turned into rejoicing. Because you favoured Ruth she received a beautiful baby. The Bible says, blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without an heir. Whoever is reading this message crying, I don’t have an heir, I don’t have a blessed child, according to this verse, grant them a good child such that their inheritance is not cut off. We declare praises to God. May miracles happen. In Jesus Name Amen.


My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. As we are all aware today is a special day. Today is Good Friday. What Mangala Vaarthai has the Lord for us on this day?

Let us read, Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Christ was bruised in our place while we were yet sinners. Christ died in our place while we were yet sinners. A person sacrificing their life for friends is the greatest act of love on earth. He loved us to that extent, that He gave His life for us. The death on the cross depicts the great love that God had for mankind.

Kavignar Kannadasan a Tamil Poet and Songwriter wrote a book on the life of Jesus called ‘Yesu Kaaviyam’ The entire New Testament is described in it in poetic form. It is a wonderful poetic rendition. After finishing writing the book, while writing the foreword he explains a certain thing. While working in the film industry, he wrote a song, “God should be born as a man. He should experience the agony of being in love.” This was quite a famous song; you all might know it. ‘Yesu Kaaviyam’ was the last book he wrote. After writing it he went abroad. But he did not return. He died while he was abroad. I think the greatest blessing in the life of Kavignar Kannadasan was the book ‘Yesu Kaaviyam’ depicting the life of Christ in poetry form. He had planned to release it once he returned but died before that.

The Catholic Church bishops released the book after his death with great honor. I have read that book, those who haven’t read kindly make sure to buy and read it. The life of Jesus is beautifully depicted in poetic form. Before he knew Jesus, he wrote, “God should be born as a man. He should experience the agony of being in love.” But once he finished the book, ‘Yesu Kaaviyam’ and knew the entire life history of Jesus, he wrote, if only I had known the life history of Jesus that day, I would not have written a poem in this manner. This is because just as I had written in the song, Jesus was born as a man. He was born as a man, fell in love with mankind, but did not agonise over them instead gave His life for them.

When I read this, my eyes were filled with tears. Just imagine such a famous poet, recognized this and beautifully wrote about it. Jesus was born in this world for mankind. He loved mankind and as a gift for that love, He gave His life. He has written there is no greater love than this. Children of God reading this word, for us to be saved, while we were yet sinners, He experienced our punishment and gave up His life. This day is referred to as ‘Good Friday.’

On this Good Friday, what is our debt of gratitude to God? God places this question before you. He gave His life; in return what are you going to give Him? How are you going to repay Him? For your sins and for your iniquities? Oh! Jesus, You died for me, they beat you, they dealt with You so cruelly, they spit on Your face, instead of pitying Jesus in this manner. To gladden the heart of Jesus, today renew the robe of salvation, and offer God the fruit of repentance. On this Holy Friday, on this Good Friday, the only debt of gratitude you can offer God is – whichever sin you cannot leave, leave that sin today. This Holy God gave up His life so that you will be holy. When you let go of that sin, there will be a great celebration in heaven because of you. The Bible says, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. For God who is enthroned in heaven, to have a celebration in heaven, let go of that sin that you have been unable to. Crucify that sin today, says the Lord. Whatever the sin – whether it is alcoholism, an unwanted relationship, lust, pride of life, or fraud, crucify it on the cross as Jesus has already borne it. Lord this sin should no longer be in my life. While I was yet a sinner, for me to become holy you gave your life and loved me. Now I leave this sin and love You, saying this today bury your sins. God will be glorified in you. This is the expectation of Jesus on this Holy Friday, Good Friday. Today don’t stop just by saying Lord forgive me. The Bible says, whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Don’t stop asking for forgiveness; confess it and renounce it from today. This Good Friday will be a day of blessing.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. While we were yet sinners, You were born on this earth, and took the form of man, Lord You were crucified on the cross, crushed and willingly gave Your life for us. We thank You for this supreme love. Lord help my children to leave the sin they are unable to leave it. Due to this, let there be great joy in heaven, and let God rejoice. Let them confess and renounce today not to continue tomorrow with commas but to put a full stop. May this Holy Good Friday be a festival of blessing for my children. Let every sin, the sins clinging to them when they cry out be forgiven by You Lord. Let them all be nailed to the cross; and may my children gloriously gain victory. May they live a glorious, victorious spiritual life. Grant them the grace of living a life that is pleasing to You. Do marvelous things. In Jesus Name Amen.

Hundredfold Harvest

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, March 28th, through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you. Let us read Proverbs 13:23 “Much food is in the fallow ground of the poor.”

Everyone has a field, but according to this verse, God says He is going to give the poor an abundant harvest. Who is considered poor? Anyone who has a need is poor. The God who knows our needs and operates according to them will give an abundant harvest to those who are in need. I have no harvest; I have invested so much but still have no harvest. My career is a failure. My farming is at a great loss. My business is facing a huge loss. The income that I receive from my job is not enough. I am suffering in several ways like loan interest, medical expenses, theft, disappointments, and loss. For those who say they have no harvest, today God will grant you an abundant harvest. For your vessel to overflow, God will bless the work of your hands. He will increase your wealth.

Give God a place in your career and place of business. When God comes, the harvest will be abundant. Because God was with Isaac, he reaped a hundredfold. The Lord blessed him, and he reaped a hundredfold the same year. Then you should understand one thing, God blessed him, God was with him, and he reaped a hundredfold in the same year. Today a hundredfold harvest in your exams, a hundredfold soul harvest in your ministry, a hundredfold income in your career, and a hundredfold income in your business. He will grant you a hundredfold income without any deduction from your salary. In your field, your farms, the Lord will multiply the harvest.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. You said, much food is in the fallow ground of the poor. Let this abundant harvest help them to repay their loans, meet all their needs, and save some money. For my children, who are caught on all four sides with loans, may God do a miracle today and deliver my children from every crisis and debt and bring them to a comfortable place. Let their vessels overflow, let them gather basketfuls of surplus. In Jesus Name Amen.

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