The Lord Can Do Everything

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, March 27th, it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home early in the morning through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Job 42:2, says, “I know that you can do everything. And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from you.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, today you need to know, you need to understand, You behave as if you know, but you don’t recognize what you know. You need to know that God is able to do all things. God who created the whole universe, has power and the authority to do all things. He can do everything. So what He has planned to do cannot be averted or prevented by anyone. That means we see a secret hidden in this message. When there is a blockade while you had planned to do something, then think that it is not God’s plan for you.

My Dear Children of God, God looks at you and says, God can do everything. And no purpose of God can be prevented from happening. On this day you might have decided to do something. But your effort has been stopped by some blockade. You can pray to the Lord regarding your effort. You can ask the Lord to go before you and help you make your effort fruitful. If the blockade had been caused by Satan then, the Lord will go before you and break the barrier for you.

So what you need to ask God is “Lord, do what you have planned to do in my life.” It might have been without my proper thinking. But if you select it for me it will be very good for me.” Lord that will give me joy. It will not add sorrow to it. So what You have planned for me, let me have it. Then my life will go well. Then my business will go well. My ministry will go well,

Lord help us to receive what you have planned for us. When King David entered into the house on the day of dedication of his house, which God had built for him, He said, Let the house of thy servant be blessed. Lord let only the blessing You give us enter into our house. I should not take anything into my house that detest you O lord. ” If you will make such a decision like that of David, then your life will be blessed.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, you can do everything. And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from you.” Lord, what you dislike should never come into my life. Lord, we thank you for giving us good counselling. That will grant blessing to us. And it will not give us sorrow. Blessing without sorrow. Life that is without sorrow, Income without sorrow, Country without sorrow. I pray and bless that such a blessing will rest upon the life of every child. Let only what God has planned or designed happen in our life. We all humble ourselves before you. Let your will be done in our life. May the Lord do glorious things.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord is Your Strength

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, March 26th, through this daily Auspicious Message. May God bless you.
Let us read Nehemiah 8:10 “For the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Your strength is being happy in the Lord, and being united with God. How close you are to God determines your joy in life. The joy of the Lord is the strength of God’s children. The joy of the Lord, staying united with God, living in the Lord – let it be your strength. Strength for those who have lost it, health for those who have lost it – may the Lord increase it. May God’s power be made perfect in your weakness. Don’t lament about your weakness. Don’t declare with unbelief that nothing good will happen, I will not be healed, I will never be delivered from it, I will die. Don’t lament in this manner. Let your heart never give place to this mourning, as this lament indicates unbelief. Only when you believe can you witness the glory of God. Only when you believe can you take victory in Jesus name. A miracle will happen only when you have faith. Hence, today be joyful in the Lord, happy in the Lord and receive strength from God. May God bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You said, the joy of the Lord is my children’s strength. Lord grant my children today divine strength. The Christ who strengthens, strengthen my children. Strengthen their spirit, soul, and body. Let the lament of my children be transformed into joy. Let their unbelief be removed. Lord whichever organ has become weak, may Your power be made perfect in their weakness. I pray breaking every chord of death. Let there be an end to every cry of death. I pray to destroy every deathly seal. Grant them divine health, healing, and a long life. In Jesus Name Amen.

God Will Stay With You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day March 25th It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. The auspicious word that comes for you today is taken from the book of Exodus 34:10, “I will stay with you and do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.”

God looked at Moses and said these words to Him. I will stay with you and do awesome things. I am sending you to Pharaoh. He has power, status, wealth and army to such a person, I am sending you. You don’t have wealth. You have no power, But you have the God who made heaven and earth with you. You do not have an army but the God of hosts of the army is with you. I will be with you and do great things.

My dear children of God, He is looking at you and saying, “ He who is inside you is greater than He that is in the world.” He did terrible things, as mentioned in the English Bible. Our God is terrible and is all powerful. If He is with you, then He will do what man cannot easily comprehend. You should believe that. If God says, you need to obey with faith. If you think your opponent is greater than you and hesitate to go forward, you should realize that there is no one bigger than God. The man who knows your problem might be bigger than you. But you go in the power of God in the strength of God then you will triumph. God’s name will be glorified through you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord You have said, that you will be with your children, and do great things, which will be terrible and awesome. For this we thank you. You might say that you have no knowledge, no intelligence, no skill to do great thing But the One who has all these things will be with your children and if they are stumbling in their life especially with the project given by God, and if they are hesitating to do anything Lord I pray that you will remove all fear from their heart, and help them to accomplish what has been assigned to them. Help them to take up the project and do it with boldness. May miracles and wonders happen through them. In Jesus Name We Pray.

Your King Is Coming To You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, March 24th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. The Lord has given for you today, is from the book of Zechariah 9:9, “Behold your king is coming to you: He is just and having salvation. Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey. ”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Your king is coming to you.” That day the people of Israel, considered Jesus as their king, and they brought him seated upon the ass. And we see that even the small ass had received great respect. Until then the ass had been neglected by all and was kept tied in the corner. But on that particular day the ass had the opportunity of carrying Jesus on its back. The donkey received glory and honour as soon as the Lord Jesus sat upon the donkey. Usually the king will not sit on a donkey. But Jesus selected the ass. God himself chose the donkey to ride upon. He considered the donkey as an eligible and grand vehicle to make his journey into the temple of Jerusalem. Why did Jesus select the donkey instead of the horse? If Jesus decided, couldn’t He have got a horse to ride upon. The Lord wanted to show to the world that he is concerned about those people who are neglected and living as stray animals on the road pavements. The Bible says that in order to put to shame the wise, He chooses the base and fools of this earth, to confound the wise and intelligent.

My Dear Children of God it is amazing to see the nature and character of Jesus. God chose the donkey as a very humble creature. Today God wants to choose you who have been neglected, scorned, rejected and despised by all and have been thrown on the streets, The verse says, your God is coming to you. God is coming as a humble person. He is coming to redeem you from the curse and sinful life. From your disease, from your bondages, from shame and from the clutches of evil spirit. He is coming as a redeemer, and saviour to you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, we pray that you will look into our humbleness. Look at our affliction. Lord, I am unfit for you to come and sit within our hearts. But You make me fit and come and sit inside of me. Lord come as a Redeemer, as one who does justice for me, and come in all your humbleness to all those who call upon you. Lord may they be changed as people of importance, people with a difference, Lord I pray that you will do great things through these people. May you do awesome deeds, as You are with them. May you do miracles and wonders in the midst of them. Lord, you remember them as they seem to have been forgotten by others. Lord you sit upon them and reign from inside of them. Lord exalt them and admire them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord Will Be With You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, March 23rd , it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of 1 Chronicles 22:16, “Arise and Begin working and the Lord be with you.”

The Lord will be with you. David the king tells his son Solomon to ‘Rise up and build the temple of God. For the Lord will be with you.” He encourages his son Solomon in his work. So in obedience to his father, he began to build a temple for God. He began to do his work. God was with him so he was able to build a large temple for God. A day came when the Bible says that Solomon built a large and grand temple of God. And a beautiful palace for himself. Solomon built a large and beautiful temple for God. So God helped him to build a palace for Solomon.

My Dear children of God, today you seem to be hesitating to do something. You have the plan, and need equipment and resources. It may be building your house or a temple, or a prayer Tower, or a factory or to begin a business. You got all that is necessary, but the problem with you is how to start your work. So you stand stagnant without moving forward. While Solomon was sitting in this manner it was David who encouraged him to begin working. You have kept your hand in the plough so don’t turn backward, arise up and start working. God will be with you and help you to build the temple. If God decides to do something and if you boldly begin to do something for God, then He will help you complete that task. If you will only trust in the power of God, then God will help you to prosper.

Prayer. Dear Lord, we thank you. David advised his son Solomon to arise up and start working, for the Lord will be with you and do great things for you. So until then Solomon who was quiet, rose up and began to work. He began to build the temple of God. The Lord was with him as He had promised and helped him to build the temple. Lord in the same manner, I pray that all the children will be able to arise and start working in whatever field they are and whatever they have planned to do. Lord their faithlessness be removed from them and cause them to have real faith in You Lord. Lord, I pray that You would bless their faithfulness in God. Lord, don’t put your children to shame. Lord do a miracle for them and help them to complete their work successfully. And we thank You Lord for showing them Your Favor to complete their work.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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