God Raises the Poor

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, March 18th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of I Samuel 2:8, “He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap. And sets them among princes, and makes them inherit the throne of glory.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God found me who came from Kanyakumari to Chennai empty handed, He led me. He found me in the midst of an ash heap. He found me in my lowly state. He found me in my affliction. He found me while I was washing the dishes and cleaning the tables and the waste materials God found me. After which He led me by Himself. He exalted me, He has now made me sit in the midst of kings and royal people. He sees me decorated, and admires me. This is the most wonderful deed by the Lord. A loving deed of the Lord. Whenever I come across this verse I remember how the Lord exalted me. I always thank the Lord for his kindness.

My Dear children of God, The Lord, who did for me will he not do for you ? God lifted David from the ash heap and exalted him as the king of Israel. God picked up Joseph from the jail and made him the governor of Egypt. God who picked me up from cleaning the waste materials from hotel tables, made me a blessing to many people. It shows that you will be exalted. Are you struggling a lot, that means that your betterment is near at hand. How much you are broken, and how much you are being stamped by others, to that extent, God will let you reach the height you could never ever imagine. That Is the meaning. Therefore, don’t worry, Hereafter God will change your tears, your difficulties, and make you sit among kings and princes and will admire you. In your field you will be the achievers.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank you for this day of rejoicing. Lord raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap. And sets them among princes, and makes them inherit the throne of glory. You make them sit among princes and you admire their beauty. Those watching this program, and are saying, Lord I am in the ashes, I have been afflicted. I am a very young man. And as you are crying, God is lifting you up today and is making you sit with kings, and you admire them for this we are thankful. Lord, we thank you for remembering them. Lord, we thank you for having kept your eyes upon such afflicted children. We thank You for your eyes that fell on these poor children. Lord, we thank you for lifting them up from their fallen state and making them sit with kings and princes. Lord lift them up to a great height and we thank You Lord for decorating them with the inheritance of Jacob.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Don’t Be Afraid

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day March 17th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Ruth 3:11, “And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask.”

My dear brothers and sisters, Ruth had lost her father-in-law, her own husband, and also her brother in law. Having been steeped in sorrow she comes to Bethlehem to the feet of the Lord, for refuge. Then the Lord Jesus through Boaz met all her needs, Usually God uses certain people to comfort and console those in trouble. Or He will talk through God’s word. That day what did Boaz talked to Ruth.

In order to comfort her, who was broken in heart and full of sorrow, It is true that you have lost everything. But even now it is not too late. It Is enough daughter; you have suffered enough. I will do for you all that you need. I know what you need. I know all your situation. I will do all that you ask for. At this time you might be thinking, why all this trouble. God took away someone whom I loved so much. Why did this loss occur? Why did I get such a bad name.? And having so much fear regarding all these matters, and being in great fear and horror, about your future, you remain so perplexed.

Today God is looking at you and saying , “Don’t be afraid.” I know your situation. I know what all your needs are. I will do all things for you. What God promised He made it come to pass. He gave her Boaz and gave her another life, and blessed her with a son, God built her broken life. Your life will be rebuilt. He is going to rebuild your ministry which is not doing well. God will do all things well for you. He is taking action today. The Bible says, “The Lord Repay your work and a full reward be given you, by the Lord God of Israel. Under whose wings you have come for refuge.”

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. It is enough my son, my daughter, you should not be destroyed. Lord, you said that you will give another life. And you met Ruth who was in tears and gave her a good husband and blessed her with a son, Obed. And blessed her with a generation. She could never imagine that she would ever live with such a wealthy man. All that He did for Ruth, He will do for you. Bless them with a good life partner. Or if they are blessed with a child, so that they will forget all their worries, then bless them with a child. Lord whatever it is, Lord do it quickly. Let their family life be rebuilt. Let their business which has fallen down be rebuilt and re-established. Let their fallen ministry be rebuilt. Let their education be rebuilt. Let them live a blessed life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God is With You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day March 16th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Judges. 6:12, “The Lord Is with you, You mighty man of valor.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, First of all you should understand, in the Bible the angel of God means it is an angel. But if it is the Angel of the Lord, then it is Jesus Christ. Who was sent to the earth as a messenger of God. Today Jesus Christ came to visit Gideon, a young man. He addresses him saying, “God is with you. “He was an ordinary man. He was not a man of valor. But God does wonders only with an ordinary man. That is what He usually plans.

He made a plan for Gideon, who was an ordinary man. It was to deliver the people of Israel from the hands of the Midianites, a very strong nation. He was not a worrier nor was he trained to wage war. He was the least among the tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh was the smallest tribe among the twelve tribes. There is no need for one to have come from a big tribe or from a reputed tribe or be a great man, with a big background, for God to make use of a person to do His task. That is why God looks at Gideon and says, “The Lord Is with you, You mighty man of valor.” Though he had no strength or power to do the task, God will provide all things for him once God comes into him. Until the Lord told him, “You mighty man of valor.” Gideon was a coward. Only after he came in contact with Jesus he became a man of valor.

If you are reading this message And are saying that I am weak and have no strength to do their work, I have no talents, I have been born in a poor family, of no reputation. Our family comes from a very poor background. By saying this if you are lagging behind instead of making any progress in your life, today God is calling you as Man of Valor. God usually changes the despised, the rejected ones, those whom people consider as unwanted in the society to be men and women of valor. Having made you, who was once an ordinary person, to acquire name and fame, among people will exalt you and make your name famous and make use of you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord you met Gideon who was a timid man and called him man of valor. God who raised the standard of him, do similar things for those who are simple and timid, call them as men and women of valor, God is with you, saying this, and trusting them you can entrust them jobs of great responsibility. Big factories, big ministries and big business, By giving such responsibilities to them, may you be honored, and let your children also be honored. In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Will Exalt You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, March 15th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Joshua. 3:7, “And the Lord said to Joshua, this day I will begin to exalt you. In the sight of all Israel, that they may know, that as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, Today the Lord is saying that He will exalt you before all others. God is saying as prophesy that He will exalt you before the eyes of all other members of your family. Before the eyes of all your friends, and before the eyes of all your enemies. Before the eyes of all the neighbors who envied you, and looked down upon you. God says He will exalt you. That means hereafter, day by day the Lord will exalt you. The Lord is assuring you very boldly that He will exalt you. God who promised you will keep His promise. He will not change his word. Joshua witnessed how the Lord had exalted Moses among the people of Israel. Now I will be with You. People will see that I remain with you. And before their eyes I will exalt you.

My Dear children of God, Joshua was One among the hundred, one among the lakhs, of people that followed Moses in the wilderness. But when his turn came, God gave him the captaincy, and let him lead the people to the land of Canaan. God gave him a promotion. There were many who were given the responsibility of leading the people. God gave him the captaincy, because he never went out of the tabernacle. That means he had a closer walk with God. He had an intimate relationship with God. So if you want to be exalted by God then you need to have an intimate relationship. Just as God said to Joshua that He would be with him as He was with Moses. He will be with you also. If God is with a man then God himself will exalt him. He need not have to go about telling others about his greatness.

My Dear Children of God. Those of you who are expecting to be exalted, but day by day you are falling short of being exalted. Today you hold on to this word. Hereafter, Day after day God will exalt you. He did many miracles and wonders for Joshua, He separated the waters of River Jordan. He crushed the fort of Jericho. So hereafter, things that obstruct you from being exalted, God will break the barriers and make way for you. He will break the obstacle that stands like Jericho and help you to reach the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. A life of progress. God will give you and your family a large and fertile land, a blessed life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord for those children who think that there is no progress in their life, yet You have decorated them to be exalt on this day. Therefore, we thank You. Lord just as you exalted Joshua, before the people of Israel, Lord exalt your children, who have been despised by their people, relatives, neighbors and friends and make them their name to be of fame before others. Do a miracle for them, Lord. As an ambassador of God I pray that you will exalt them and increase them and admire them. I make this humble request. I fall at your feet and humble myself and pray for such people who go through a financial crisis. Lord, I pray that you will bless the work of their hand, their ministry , their business, and bless them. Lord, you forgive them and help them. And lift them up Lord. As an ambassador I pray for them, Lord.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord Goes Before You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, March 14th, it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home early in the morning through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take from the book of Deuteronomy 31:8, “The Lord Himself goes before you. And will be with you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you.”

My Dear brothers and Sisters, Today the Lord is saying that He will go before you. If God goes before you, What are the blessings and goodness that you shall receive. Now there will be the attack of the evil one. There will be accidents, plagues and disease that could affect you. The arrow that flies by day shall come against you. The destruction that lays waste, at noon day, and the pestilence that walks in darkness shall affect you. But if God is with you then He will protect you from all these calamities. He will make way for you to go at ease. If the way is blocked, He will destroy all the works of the evil one and save you and allow you to go in peace. In case there is no way for you to go, then God will create a way for you. Not only will God go before you but He will remain with you always.

If God is with you then no evil shall befall you. No plague shall come near your house. That day both Mary and Martha, after the death of Lazarus, told Jesus who came there, “Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you anything you ask.” The death took place while Jesus was not there with them. But this thing happened, that the name of the Lord may be glorified.

Today the Lord is saying that only when God is not with them the Devil will bring about harm and danger. If you see in the Bible, when the spirit of God was taken away from king Saul, then he was caught up by an evil spirit. So, when you realize that God is not with you, then you will end up in failure. Keep the Lord Jesus always with you who gives you victory. Keep Him always before you, so that He can protect you from accidents, disease, harm and danger, there will be no failure in your life. You will be victorious.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You Lord I pray that You may go before them. Lord, they have many programs for today. Lord hereafter You fix the agenda for them. Lord, join your children when they go out and come in. As per their time. Lord, You monitor all their programs and agenda. Assign for them the work that is to be done daily. Therefore Lord You Go before them, be with them in all their undertakings and help them to fulfill the program as per time schedule. Let them hear good news wherever they go. Lord if You are there with them then no destruction will befall them. No cruelty will take place to them. Be with them and make them men of wisdom. Help them to walk wisely. Help them to be great achievers. Let them not be put to shame. Help them to walk with their head lifted up. In Jesus Name We Pray.

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