My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, March 8th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me and read from the book of Luke 1:28, “And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice highly favored one. The Lord Is with You. Blessed are you among women.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, it was God’s plan in whose womb the Lord Jesus Christ must be born. Before Jesus was born the angel Gabriel went to the very house, to inform the woman about the birth of Jesus, the mother whom the Lord had appointed, through whom the baby was to be born. Today as the angel reported the birth of Jesus, to the woman, I the ambassador of God, has come into your house through this auspicious word to inform the same message to you. Saying, “Rejoice highly favored one. The Lord Is with You. Blessed are you among women.”
Today I wish all the sisters in your house, every woman, folks, and young women what God wishes to say is “You are a highly favored one.” Or in other words, you have found favor in the sight of God. This means God is saying “You live happily.” This is the first blessing. God says, God has redeemed you from all the destruction. You may be in the grip of destruction, but you shall not be destroyed but you shall live. Today you seem to be broken hearted. Because of your child, because of your husband. Because of your father and mother you seem to be distressed. The place where you are working you experience much stress. You do have stress but in the midst of these struggles God’s greetings come to you. You shall live. God says, “I pray that you may prosper in all things, and be in health just as your soul prospers. “God is greeting. May these greetings come true in life.
Secondly, God says, “I am with you. “As you are saying that there is no one with me, God is saying that He is with you. He is coming inside your house and saying, “ The Lord is with you. The Lord is with you, He will not leave you as an orphan. He will not leave you just like that. Someone who is related to you can leave you and go away. Your husband can go away. The Lord says, No matter who leaves you, I will remain with you. “God is going to be with you, and what He is going to do for you will be awesome. God is assuring you that He will be with you. So don’t be afraid.
Finally God says, “Blessed are you among women.” To all the sisters who are watching this program, young girls, women, small children, you all will be blessed among women. You all shall be blessed by the Lord. Many would have cursed you, but today the Lord is removing all the curse from you and He comes straight into your house, and says that He will bless you. Which means some good thing will soon happen in your family, in your life. The job that you are expecting is a blessing, the gift of a child which you are expecting is a blessing, the life partner whom you are expecting is a blessing. The blessing of receiving the anointing of power of the Holy Spirit. Will come into your life today and help you achieve great things in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord, we thank You for this Women’s Day. Lord you have brought Mary the mother of Jesus on this particular day. Lord You have given the same auspicious word that the Lord had given to Mary through angel Gabriel. Lord You have given the same greetings to each one of the sisters, by coming right into their homes. Lord You have blessed them saying, “They have found favor from the Lord. Lord may all the good happenings take place in their homes according to your favor. I pray that they may prosper in all things and be in health just as their soul prospers.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, March 7th, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take from the book of James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift, is from above. And comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are sitting and thinking, You expect good to happen in your life but only evil is happening. So you seem to be worried. Early Morning you are thinking that at least in this matter good will happen but only evil is happening. I thought, through this man only good will happen but only evil came through him. I thought my husband will do me good but he also is doing evil. I expected good to happen through my elder brother, but he too has done evil. Nothing good has happened to me so long/so far. I am unable to see any good. As you are thinking on these lines dear children of God, If you expect any good from worldly people then you will receive disappointment only. So where does every good gift and every perfect gift come from or where is it created? It is formed in heaven. He can change even evil into good. Therefore you need to look at heaven from where these good and perfect gifts come from. He gives and we receive.
God will change evil into good. At times when evil befalls you , then you shouldn’t grow weary. The evil itself will take you to the good place. That is what happened in the life of Joseph. His brothers decided to do evil for him. But God changed that evil into good for him. As an ambassador of God I pray and bless every one that God might change all the evil and wicked deeds that have happened in your life, for your good. You should secure a very good job, a good life partner, the gift of a child, and a good house of your own, good anointing, and gift of prayer, And an experience of walking close with God, I pray and bless you all that you should attain permanently all these blessings in this new month.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord for those who have been suffering only evil all through their life, and since they are longing to see good days in their life, I pray that good things will happen in their lives today. The interview they attend should be successful for them. The journey that they undertake must be fruitful. Let all the effort they take, end with a positive note. And we thank God for preparing all good things for them. Lord grant all the good gifts and all the perfect gifts, that come from the Father of Lights, from above, which they expect, and make them joyful. All the good things, the good gift of a child, the good life partner, and a good house will be granted to them. May they have a good heart to receive all these gifts. May they rise and shine. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, March 6th, it is a great pleasure to meet you with this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Hebrews 2:18, “For in that He Himself, has suffered being tempted. He is able to aid those who are tempted.”
My dear brothers and Sisters, we are in the lent season where we remember the Lord Jesus who suffered much tribulation. At this time God is saying that He was much tempted. He is a God who bore tribulation without making any mistake. He tasted suffering in order to know the pain and agony of mankind. He gave himself to be tempted to taste the sufferings, so that He might know how the people will be able to endure the sufferings when they are tempted. Since He endured suffering He will know the pain which you will suffer. You must have heard people say, only if you know my position you will know the pain I am going through. Jesus, having suffered much tribulation is able to help you to bear the sufferings when you are forced to suffer trials and temptations. He has already tasted your struggles.
God says, He is able to support you and help you when you go through hardships. What trouble is causing you mental distress? Which trial is compelling you to go through shame and humiliation? Which trial is plucking away all your wealth and riches? In that particular situation God is descending upon you in a marvelous manner, like Ebenezar to help you. Jesus Christ suffered trials for no wrong of His. He endured all the suffering. You may not have done any wrong but you are suffering. God will surely stretch out His hand and reach out to you, in this matter. Firstly, He will give you strength to overcome the trial. Later He will make a way for you to get out of the struggle. So today He is giving you strength to overcome your trial. He will also make a way of escape.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord You gave strength to bear all the trials and temptations for Your children until this day. Lord You know how painful their tribulation would be. Because You had passed through all their trials. Let an end come to their tribulation in the place of their ministry. Let an end come to their tribulation in the place of their education center. Lord let their struggles come to an end in the place of their business. In the place of their living, let all their trials become achievements in their life. Lord be close with them in their sufferings and relieve them. We offer 10,000 praise offering and thanksgiving for helping them as Ebenezar in their struggles. Help them to clear their debts. Change their sickness. Help them to get relieved from all court cases. Help them to come out of their shameful situation. Lord, stretch out your helping hand from whatever troubles they are going through.
In Jesus Name We pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day MARCH 5th. It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, there is an inner man within us. And inside of this we have the Holy Spirit operating from within us. God has not given us the spirit of fear, the Bible clearly says, that God has not given the spirit of fear. Such a question often arises in our mind. If God has not given us the spirit of fear, then why should we have fear. God has given us the spirit of love, of power and sound mind. But when we are involved in sin, then the spirit of love, spirit of power and sound mind will be taken away from us and then we suffer from fear.
As soon as the students enter into the exam hall they have fear. As soon as they see the question paper they have fear. Sometimes their handshakes due to fear. Whatever they had studied will be forgotten. And because of fear they will be writing everything wrongly though they may know the right answer. Some will sweat because of their fear. So why this happens is because the spirit of love and the spirit of power and the spirit of sound mind had been taken away as a result the spirit of fear sets itself into our heart and brings about fear.
You should be bold like the Lion. Then this will help you to go to the next level There will be problems in this world. But you should have the power to overcome such fear. Man must be capable of turning problems into achievements. That is why God has given you the sixth sense. That is why God has given you the spirit of sound mind. So today you boldly do your ministry. If you have fear in doing business then you will incur loss. If you fear in carrying out your ministry then you will never be able to do anything. There will be criticism. But you should not get afraid.
You should always think that the God who turns all your loss into profit is with you. You should have that unshakable confidence in you. And this will help you to go to the next level only and will never let you fall down. May the Lord help you to take away the spirit of cowardliness. And may you retain the spirit of love, spirit of power and the spirit of sound mind to operate successfully. I pray and bless all of you to do well and may the Lord do great things in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, your children are scared of bad dreams. They are afraid of their future. They are afraid of the disease they have. This fear will bring about disbelief or faithlessness in them. Lord remove all their disbelief and help them to run the race with faith. Help them to be bold like the lion. May the spirit of love, spirit of power and spirit of sound mind take control of them. Lord whatever problem they face I pray that they will have the ability to face boldly with wisdom, and sound mind with good strength and boldness and bless them. The Lord encourages them to face all their problems boldly. In case they are suffering from some kind of weakness, and if they fear that they would die, the Lord today gives them divine healing and fills them with boldness.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, March 4th , it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take and read the word from the book of 2 Thessalonians 3:3, “But the Lord is faithful. Who will establish you and guard you from the evil one. ”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is faithful, so those who believe in the Lord and worship the Lord, must be faithful. God expects this from his children. If we are people of God, then the sperm of God is within us. So the people of God should represent God, As per this verse we should be honest so in case you have been double minded or a hypocrite person until yesterday turn to God on this day the 4th of March. I am a person who talks frankly. I am honest. Before God, I always speak openly and with frankness of heart. How many of you can say that you are honest? If not, don’t live a secret life. Or a hypocritical life. If you speak lies then it will one day bring problems. So learn to be honest. The word of God says, “If you remain honest in a few things then God will make you ruler over many things.”
Secondly God says, God will make you steady. You are not steady in anything. But hereafter your life will move on steadily. Your mind will be steady. You will be able to make steady decisions. Your income will be steady. Your ministry will be steady. Your work will be strong, steady and permanent. Your prayer life also should be steady.
Then the next God says, He will keep you from all evil. You may be attacked by many evil and wicked things, by plagues, by disease, by debts, all these are causing pain to you. That is what Jabez prayed. Lord keep me away from evil, expand the borders of my territory. And bless the work of my hands. So today God will protect you from all evil and destruction. God will keep you all from such evil and protect you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, We thank You. God is faithful. May All those who watch this program, reflect on the act of faithfulness in their life. And as a result change the people to secure a higher position in life and thus be a blessing to many others. Change them completely from famine, from debts, and from disease. Let all famine and poverty change. Let destruction be changed. Remove all kinds of their difficulties. May all the children hold high positions in life. From all destruction and from pain and from disease, and all the weapons formed against them be nullified in the name of Jesus. Let all witchcraft, sorcery and divination formed against them be uprooted. In the name of Jesus and let only good be found in them.
In Jesus Name We Pray,