My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, December 7th, through this daily Auspicious Word Message. May God bless you.
Let us read 1 Samuel 1:17 “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition, which you have asked of Him.” This means today is the day the Lord grants your long-awaited much longed-for prayer requests. This indicates that today is the day that God will break every barrier and every bondage that is against it, and He will work wonders in that situation. You’ve been praying for it for a long time, but it hasn’t happened, and you haven’t received it. Don’t conclude that God will never grant it because you haven’t received it yet. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. God will give it to you, but He is waiting for the right time. You have not received the answer ‘No’ from the Lord. According to this verse, What is your petition which you have asked of the God of Israel? Hannah had a petition: Lord, if you grant me a male child, then I promise that I will dedicate him to you for his whole life, and no razor will ever be used on his head. This was her petition. God heard her petition and granted her Samuel. Today, He will give you a Samuel. Today, He will give you a permanent job. He will hear your petition and grant you a promotion. He will hear your petition and grant you a visa to a foreign country. He will hear your petition and definitely bless your family life. He will hear your petition and grant you the blessed gift of a child. He will hear your petition and grant you a government job. This is why in this episode; God is blessing you with this Mangala Vaarthai. The God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him. Some are expecting certain orders, and others are expecting certain approvals. God will grant you everything and establish you on this earth.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Whatever petitions my children are asking the God of Israel let Your eyes be open and Your ears be attentive. Grant them all that they are petitioning. According to the verse, The faithful prayer will be heard, thank You Lord for hearing their faithful prayers today. Now whatever petitions they have made for many years and long in their hearts, let my children receive them this month. Especially in this Christmas festive season, the celebration of Christ’s birth grant them the good news of Your birth, honour them by giving them all the lost possessions and riches. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, December 6th, through this daily Auspicious Word MESSAGE. May God bless you all.
Let us read John 11:40 “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” Today what is the level of your faith? Many of you are living in unbelief. If a man keeps speaking negatively, then he has unbelief. If a man is filled with negative thoughts, it is an indication that he has unbelief. Hence to live a life of faith first you must have positive thoughts. Then you will be led by faith. Your speech will be positive. It is equivalent to a declaration of faith. Hence today come out from your negative thoughts, your negative talk. Talk with faith. Declare in faith, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” You will receive strength. You won’t know from where it will come, but you will receive it.
Because God has given His word. That day, when the Lord went to Lazarus’s house to raise him from the dead, he was buried, and four days later. Jesus said to Mary and Martha, take me to where you have buried your brother. They said, Lord, it is four days since we buried him. If we roll the stone, there will be a stench. It was then that Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? If you believe that your brother can be raised from the dead, you will see the glory of God.” She believed. Jesus said, “Lazarus, come forth!” And Lazarus who was dead, buried for 4 days came out alive! Jesus handed him over to his sisters. Look at what faith achieved. So, please uproot your unbelief that is the reason for the lack of blessings, and declare, “Lord no matter what I will believe in You. I will follow you regardless of who abandons you. I will praise You whether You bless me or not. I will not leave you.” If you place your faith in God, the Bible says, The one who believes does not panic. All things are possible for the one who believes. Nothing shall be withheld from you. Everything will be possible. Develop that faith in your heart today. God will perform glorious things. According to the verse, Blessed is the one who believes. God will call you ‘blessed’ when you believe. You will receive government jobs, wombs will be opened, and you will get a good life partner. God will do many auspicious events during this festive season.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. You said, “If you would believe you would see the glory of God.” I pray that for everyone watching this program things will take place according to their faith. Lord whatever they expect in faith, beyond their worth, beyond their performance at the interview, but according to their faith exalt them in high positions. I pray that they will be seated with Kings and Princes. Let them taste and see that the Lord is good. Let the unbelief be removed and let them be rooted in faith and receive every good and perfect gift from You. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, December 5th, through this daily Auspicious Word Message. May God Bless you!
Let us read the Mangala Vaarthai the Lord has for us today, 1 Samuel 2:8 “He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the beggar from the ash heap.” I am being belittled, my family considers me insignificant, I have no education, I have no talents or skills; I have no beauty; I have no status. Where am I going to progress? Where am I going to rise? This is how my life is going to pass by in difficulty. You are sitting this morning with an inferiority complex lamenting. Nothing good will happen to me. I am never going to achieve anything. I am always going to be in this state. Children of God who are in such a narrow circle, a Mangala Vaarthai for you today, as God has come in search of you. Have you been belittled? Are you considered insignificant? Are you the last in everything? Today is your turn.
The Lord says I will raise you from the ash heap to the mountaintop. In the Bible we see that David’s siblings were all working in the army, in a government job, only David was a shepherd. But a day came when God found David who was abandoned, and considered insignificant by his brothers, and made him to be seated with Kings and Princes gave him royal status. Today He will do the same for you. Perhaps you are the only one who is in the backward state in your family, the last position God meets you today. The God who met David has come today to meet you. David who was wandering with the sheep was raised to become the King by God. This God has come to meet you.
Today it is your turn. First, get rid of the inferiority complex. This inferiority complex is a sign of unbelief. But the Bible says, if you have faith, you will see the glory of God. You should have a faith in you. If you have the hope that God will certainly exalt you one day, your hope will not be cut off. God will exalt you. You don’t need any eligibility, wisdom, or knowledge. What does a shepherd know? But God helped him to rule Israel successfully for forty years. He will help you also. Whatever your field, God can exalt you in any field. If I had gone into that field, I would have become famous, unknowingly I took this course, and I studied this education. Your prominence is not in these things. For the Lord’s gaze to fall upon you, what character do you possess? Because the Lord’s gaze fell on David, God raised him. Seated him among Kings and Princes. What did the Lord like in him? He had the good habit of continuously praising God. He had a good habit of singing songs and worshipping God. What qualities do you possess that will impress the Lord? Tell that character. God will come in search of you if that quality exists. Henceforth in this festive season, for Christ to be born in your hearts, submit yourself to the qualities that will impress Christ. What did God like in Joseph? Why did God raise Joseph from jail to become the ruler of Egypt? Because God liked his holiness a lot. That is the reason God exalted him. Likewise, God changed Daniel who was a cupbearer in the King’s Palace into a district collector. He had a character that God liked. He prayed three times a day praising God. He did not defile his body where God dwells. Hence God exalted him to become the district collector of Babylon. If you desire to progress like this, imbibe the good qualities the Lord desires. Maintain good character. God will exalt you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, You raise the poor from the dust And lift the beggar from the ash heap, To set them among princes. Those who are watching this program while crying that they are unable to progress Lord lift them up. Raise those who are saying there is no one to lift me up, encourage them, and cause them to be seated in exalted positions. I pray that you will make them be seated among Kings, Princes, and government officials. Thank you for breaking every barrier and stumbling block. I humbly submit each one of them to the God who makes them to be seated upon thrones. May all hindered joyous occasions happen in each one of their families. Auspicious events take place. May glorious things happen, and glorious events take place in their families. Let every struggle and barrier be removed in Jesus Name. May God’s love and revelation be expressed in the entire family. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Dec. 4th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Jeremiah 40:4, “I will look after you.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, What a nice auspicious word the Lord has given to you this day. We see mothers asking their children to go to school very carefully. In the same manner wives will tell their husband to go and come very carefully when they send them to their offices. Some husbands will ask their wives to be careful while they go out to the hospital for delivery. So everyone expects us to be careful, and be safe in our day to day life. But in spite of being very careful, and though they desire to be careful and desire to be safe, some accidents do take place. At times, some incidents happen and this causes distress. Today the Lord says, “I will look after you.” If God says this word to you, then you need not have to fear going out or coming in. Because He will guard you. And no untoward incidents or accidents will occur in your life. You will be kept safe. The Bible says, He will keep you in the cleft of the rock and protect you. There is another verse which says, “ He who touches you touches the apple of My eye.” Here is another verse, “I have kept you in the palm of my hand. “They are all verses which comfort you and are promises made to assure you with His protection. I like this verse which says” I will look after you.” What must we do for God to take care of us. We should commit your children, your wives, or your husband, in the mighty hands of the Lord. You should say, “Lord I myself cannot take care of my children, or my husband, or my wife without your help. Therefore I entrust them all into your hands, that You may take care of them. “It is not only to take care of them when they go out and come in, or from disease and accidents but to save them from involving themselves in evil activities. Dirty and unpleasant habits that could endanger them. And keep them away from having friendship with unwanted relationships and let not your children get entangled in the trap laid by wicked people. And from all such things, the Lord will safeguard you. Submit your grown up children in the hands of the Lord. God will take them safely to their colleges and bring them home safely. Submit your little children in the hands of the Lord.
Then the Lord will protect them while they play on the steps, or while they climb up stairs and come down the stairs. When they jump and skip and hop and play in a manner that you hurt them physically, God will protect them from being hurt in any way. He will not allow their foot to slip or slide over and be hurt. God will send His angels to take charge of them , and to carry them in their hands and save them from being hurt. He has descended into your house to give you protection. God is not saying that He will save you physically but He will save your soul and your spirit also. God wants to protect you physically, spiritually and even your soul and your spirit. So that you will not get caught by the cunningness of the evil one. Or be entangled by the plan of the wicked and the Devil. Your enemies. God will therefore keep you safe in your going out and in your coming in, He will bless your job, interview, and bless the interview for your Visa. And He will establish you on the face of this earth, with utmost care and protection.
Prayer : Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord You who said that you will look after us, and especially today we pray for those parents who are worried about their children who go to school, and those who go to their colleges, and even to their offices. Help them not to be worried over them but to totally commit them in the hands of the Lord. Lord give this word of assurance to such people who are worried about their children. Lord take care of them as you have promised, and guard and protect them. And we thank you Lord for protecting them. Lord, we have heard many parents tell their son in law to take care of their daughter while giving them in marriage. But even then we hear of many unpleasant situations, taking place in many families. But today we just commit our children in Your hands that You will take care of them in their marriage life also. Let no destruction occur in their families, in their marriage life, or in their business, or in their workplace or in their ministry. May the hand of protection be upon all the children, guard them and keep them, and may they achieve great things in their lives.
In Jesus Name We pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Dec. 3rd. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Turn with me from the book of 2 Samuel 22:36, “Your gentleness has made me great. ”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the above verse says, “Your gentleness has made me great. ”Today everybody desires to become great. They think that they should be great in their field. They say, “I should be great in my work place. I should be great in the place where I do my ministry.” So everyone likes to become great in one way or another. But if you neglect the God who makes one great then you can never become great. The Bible tells about King Solomon, “ God exalted Solomon as a great person, before all the people of Israel, and no other king was as great as Solomon. That is how God exalted Solomon. He was the greatest of all. Notice very carefully. The father of Solomon was King David. It was natural that Solomon should become the king after King David. It does not say that he became great but, it says that the Lord made him great. David had another son called Absalom, but he died. After him Adonijah attempted to usurp the throne. So without the knowledge of the king he brought all other kings and ministers from neighboring countries and was about to be crowned. And there was a grand feast held in honor of Adonijah. This was their plan. But God had selected Solomon to be the king, so God intervened in this matter and sent prophet Nathan to inform King David that all were working against the desire of the king and God Himself. So God sent Nathan to meet David’s wife, Bathsheeba, and warn king David about his son Adonijah’s plan of becoming the king.
Immediately prophet Nathan rushed to the queen and reported the matter. She in turn reminded the king who was quite old, of his promise to her saying that Solomon would be the king after him. Solomon did not know that Adonijah was trying to usurp the throne, without his knowledge. So even though Adonijah was about to be crowned as the king, he was driven away and in his place Solomon was crowned as the king after David. What does this show? God made him great. That is why I like this verse which says “ God made Solomon very great. Greater than all other kings. A position which no other kings could achieve.” So God wants to make you great. Having desired to make you great He comes in search of you and gives you this auspicious word He has come inside your house. He wants to make you great and bless you. So what you need to do is to say, “ Lord I humble myself, before you. For the word of God says, “All who humble themselves shall be exalted.’’ In certain versions, the word “karunyam “ is indicated as “help” and in other versions it is indicated as “ gentleness.” God is more gentle towards you. His good heartedness will make you great. You might have behaved very cheaply before God. Yet God because of his grace, and gentleness has made you great. Therefore God will exalt you and your children and he will admire you in that high position. Are you in a very low position? Commit your ways unto the Lord.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children, who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord, you have said that your help will make us great. Lord all those who desire to be great and progress in their life, help this day to be a turning day in their life. Let this day be a suitable day in their life. I greet and bless all such children to consider this day as a favorable day. Lord lift up all those who are at the lowest level to a royal status. And make them great. Just as the verse says, God made Solomon very great, so make these children great in whichever field they may be, and make them shine , in such a way that no other people can become as great as these children of God and honor them. Help us to hear more of their testimonies.
In Jesus Name We Pray.