Peace & Prosperity

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all today, December 27th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly. Let us take and read Psalm 122:7: “Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.” In the Tamil Bible, this verse is translated as: “Peace be within your walls, healing within your palaces.”

While the English Bible mentions prosperity instead of healing, both translations convey the blessings of peace and well-being. Declare this promise: “Thank You, Lord, that peace is within my walls, and prosperity and healing are in my palaces.” When you proclaim this Word with faith, it will be fulfilled in your life.

Peace in the Family
In your homes, let there be peace—peace between husbands and wives, peace among children, and peace between in-laws. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is visiting your home today. How many of you are in a “cold war” with your spouse, not speaking to each other? How many families cook separately in the same kitchen? God sees all this. Today, He wants to put an end to such divisions.

The Bible says:
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity… For there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forevermore.” (Psalm 133:1,3)

Unity in families is crucial. Unity between spouses, unity among children—these are the foundations of a peaceful home. Set aside ego and pride, as these are often the root causes of family conflicts. Avoid arguments that create division and separate loved ones. Instead, embrace peace and harmony. Many of you might say, “It’s been years since I had a peaceful night’s sleep.” You may have been troubled by nightmares or fear. But the God of peace is entering your home today. Say this prayer: “Jesus, come into my home.” From now on, you will experience peaceful sleep without fear.

Prosperity and Healing
As the Prince of Peace visits your home, He brings not only peace but also prosperity. Scarcity will change, and the spirit of poverty will be removed. The God of abundance will bless you, and your vessel will overflow with His provision.

Sister Grace Jeba from Jeba’s Cottage, Tirunelveli, shared her testimony:
“I am a retired teacher, and for many years, there were issues within our family regarding property matters. The problem escalated, leaving me in tears, unsure of what to do. On July 2, 2023, during the ‘Anbarin Paathathil’ Fasting Prayer live telecast, I joined in prayer with Brother Stephen. I also made a vow to share my testimony if the issue was resolved. To my amazement, God miraculously resolved the property dispute, bringing peace to our family. All glory to God, and I thank Brother Stephen for his prayers that brought happiness and peace back into our home.”

Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I bless my children. Lord, as Your Word says, “Peace be within your walls and prosperity and healing within your palaces,” let this promise come to pass in their lives. Let peace reign in their homes. Remove all arguments and conflicts. Grant them unity and understanding in their families. Restore the peace that has been lost and bless them with abundance. Remove poverty and fill their baskets with surplus. We believe You are bringing peace, healing, and prosperity into their lives today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Faith Works

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, December 26th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly.

Today’s Word of Blessing:
Let us meditate on Psalms 92:14:
“They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.”

This verse promises great peace and hope for your life. When you step into the house of God, no one will question your religion or faith. Jesus doesn’t ask for those details either. Instead, He lovingly inquires, “What is your problem, my child?” No matter your situation, approach God with faith. Whether you’re heading for an exam, interview, medical test, or conference, take a moment to step into a nearby church and offer a simple prayer: “Jesus, help me with this task I am about to undertake.”

Taste and See That the Lord is Good:
When you visit the church of God and lay your burdens before Him, you’ll experience His peace and blessings. The verse assures us that those who remain rooted in God’s presence will bear fruit even in old age, staying hale, healthy, and flourishing. God promises to renew your strength, just as He renews the strength of the eagle. Take a step today. Visit a church near your home, sit silently in His presence, and pour out the burdens of your heart. You’ll find your sorrows lifted, your sickness healed, and your spirit renewed. Hannah, in the Bible, did the same when she was troubled, and God performed miracles in her life.

A Powerful Testimony:
Sis. Pushpa from Nungambakkam (63 years old) shared her testimony:
One night at 11 PM, a small cockroach entered her nostril while she was sleeping. She struggled to breathe and was in great distress. She vowed to the Lord that if she was delivered from this problem, she would share her testimony at God’s Love Ministries. Amid her trial, she sucked water through her nose and endured her suffering. At 2 AM, the cockroach came out of her mouth. She rejoiced and thanked the Lord for her deliverance. Even in your darkest hour, call upon the Lord, and He will perform miracles. Our prayer tower is open 24/7, and countless testimonies emerge from midnight prayers. When human help is out of reach, God’s help is near.

Dear Lord, we thank You for Your Word and promises. I bless Your children in Jesus’ name. May they remain planted in Your presence, bearing fruit in their old age and flourishing in health and strength. Let all their hardships, sicknesses, and bondages come to an end. Renew their youth, Lord, and grant them victory in every area of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Joyful Salvation

Jesus is born for us.
Jesus is willing to be born in your heart. Will you give your heart?

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, on behalf of God’s Love Ministries, we wish you a Merry Christmas. May God bless you abundantly.

Today, let us reflect on the words of Micah 5:2:
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.”

Israel is a small nation, and Palestine, where it is situated, has many villages. One such small village is Bethlehem. In Micah 5:2, we see that though Bethlehem is small, it holds great pride and glory, for the Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns over the entire world, was born there. He came to bring salvation to all. Jesus, born in the lineage of David, was born to Joseph and Mary in this humble place.

Even today, the Great Lord Jesus is willing to be born in your small heart. Will you give your heart to Him? Perhaps something is hindering His birth in your heart—sin, injustice, iniquity, or uncleanliness. Whatever the hindrance, take a step toward removing it. This Christmas, the true celebration is not in delicious food or parties but in repentance. When a sinner repents, there is great celebration in Heaven. Do not live with the guilt of your sin. Come to Jesus, for He was born for us. Even before His birth, He was destined to be a sacrificial lamb. He knew He would give His life for the salvation of mankind. Through His sacrifice, He offers us redemption.

Jesus wishes to shine in your life. God will transform your life like a shining star. In your family, in your work, you will stand out brighter than the stars of this world. There is one thing you must do: confess and repent. Whether it’s lying, alcoholism, lust, or pride, today, on the birthday of our Savior, who came to redeem you from your sin, seek His forgiveness. God will redeem you and lead you to live a holy life. Your difficult situations will change, and you will step into the New Year with joy.

Sis. Meena from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, shared her testimony. She had been suffering for years with continuous burping, no matter how many medicines she took. She visited the Prayer Tower after watching Bro. Stephen’s TV programs and was prayed for by the prayer warriors. With great burden, they prayed for hours, quoting scripture, and the tormenting spirit left her. The burping stopped completely, and she was delivered, feeling like a new person. God has a solution for your problems. He will deliver you and help you lead a happy life.

Loving Lord, we thank You. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you the Lord who reigns the world is coming forth.” Lord, bless all those reading this message. Be born in them and help them bear Your life. May they overcome trials and tribulations and enter the New Year with Your blessing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Promise Fulfilled

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, December 24th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly!

Today’s auspicious word for us is from Isaiah 11:1:
“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” What a beautiful and profound word! Jesse was the father of King David, and from his lineage came the Rod — David. From David’s lineage was born Jesus, our Savior. Here, the prophet Isaiah is prophetically announcing the birth of Jesus.

Let us consider the significance of names in this verse. For instance, in a place where there are many people with the same name, we identify them by their lineage. If the name is Stephen, and God specifies “Stephen, son of Thangayan,” it uniquely identifies that individual. Similarly, “David, son of Jesse” emphasizes Jesus’s lineage and fulfillment of prophecy. As we approach this festive season, a question arises: while we clean and decorate our homes, have we cleansed our hearts? The celebration of Christ’s birth should also mean inviting Him to be born in the throne of our hearts. A clean and spotless heart is the throne Jesus desires.

Take a moment today to ask God, “Lord, cleanse my heart with Your precious blood. Make it pure and holy. Come, reign in the throne of my heart and lead my life. For those longing for the gift of a child, Isaiah 11:1 holds a promise. Many barren wombs have been blessed when this verse was prayed over with faith. I remember a couple who had been childless for years. When they came to me, I encouraged them to replace “Jesse” in the verse with the husband’s name and claim the promise.

Later, a significant conflict arose between the husband and wife, leading to separation and thoughts of divorce. When the wife questioned the prophecy, I reminded her, “The word of God never fails. Heaven and earth may pass away, but His word will be fulfilled.” I reassured her that the promise would come to pass. Miraculously, her husband returned, and within the same month, she conceived. God blessed them with a beautiful baby boy. Today, this same promise is for you.
If you are praying for a child, replace “Jesse” with your husband’s name, claim the promise, and believe. A miracle awaits you!

Loving Lord, we thank You for this beautiful day. In the name of Jesus, I bless Your children with the promise of Isaiah 11:1 “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesus, You came into this world to redeem us from sin, curse, and iniquity. Today, let redemption and salvation enter the hearts of Your children. May this Christmas be meaningful as they celebrate with holiness in their hearts, acknowledging You as Lord. Lord, reign in the hearts of Your children. Cleanse them, guide them, and prosper them in all they do. For those with closed wombs, let them receive the blessing of fruitfulness. Let this festive season bring joy, peace, and miracles into their lives. May they attend church, celebrate Your birth, and inherit all the blessings You have promised. Be gracious to them, protect them, and let Your presence guide them always. In Jesus’s mighty name, we pray, Amen.

New Beginning

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is a delight to meet you all on this day, December 23rd, through this daily Auspicious Message. May God bless you. What is the auspicious word God has for us today? Psalm 37:6 – “He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday.”

Some of you may feel that the Lord has not yet delivered justice for you. You may be crying, saying, “In this matter, I have not received justice.” Today, the Lord says that He will bring forth your righteousness as the light. This means that when God brings justice, those who are in a dark room will be brought to the light. Those who are in captivity will be set free. God is granting you the ability to do your work with righteousness and perfection. He is prophetically speaking to those who feel imprisoned—whether in darkness, captivity, or jail—that He is giving you a new life. Before entering the new year, God will transform you into a responsible son, give you a good job, and place you in a good position in society.

If, as parents, you are worried about your children’s future—perhaps you feel burdened about their lives, especially when they’ve faced difficult circumstances—do not fear. For some, God is prophetically speaking that there will be no trace of the past incident. God will perform wonders and bring forth righteousness like light. God’s justice can sometimes be seen in how He helps you forget the past. The old life is to be forgotten, and He offers you a new opportunity. There is a difference between worldly justice and God’s justice. When God forgives, He forgets. Today, God is desiring to give a new life to His children.

Not only that, but He says, “Your justice I will bring as the noonday.” This means that what was once seen as a dark room—your justice—will now be as clear as the midday sun. For those who have been trapped in a situation, God will do justice for you. If you have lost a job, He will redeem it. If you’ve had issues with property, He will bring justice and restore it. In family cases, God will reunite you and bring peace. He will break the barriers and help you continue your studies. God is righteous and just. As His chosen children, when you call upon Him day and night in your matters, will He not act on your behalf? Though God is patient, He will not delay His justice for you. Your merciful God says, “Very soon, I will do justice for you.”

Testimony from Sister Sharmila Xavier:
In our family, a court case had been ongoing for more than 8 years. Because of this, we lost all peace, tranquillity, and happiness. We lost everything, and our family was shattered. In great sorrow, we didn’t know what to do. In this state, I wrote to Brother Stephen via email, sharing our situation in detail. Brother read it and, with great burden and compassion, prayed and replied. He told us, “Never lose hope, do not worry. Trust in the Lord, and you will see His glory.” A few days after receiving this message and due to Brother Stephen’s prayers, the 8-year-long court case was resolved in our favor by God’s grace. We received victory in the case. What a beautiful testimony! Sometimes it may seem that God is silent, but He works silently in the background. The same God who gave justice in an 8-year court case will also do justice for you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. You said, “You shall bring forth my righteousness as the light, And my justice as the noonday.” For those children who have not yet received justice, let them receive justice. For those who are expecting a new opportunity, let them receive it—whether it is a new job, a new ministry opportunity, an opportunity to go abroad, or the chance to continue their studies. Before they enter the new year, according to Your word, “Behold, I make all things new,” let this new beginning start now. Make all things new for Your children. Bring forth righteousness and justice like the noonday for them. We thank You, Lord. Help them in their cases, fight their battles, and bring justice into their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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