My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Nov.22nd. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me from the book of Daniel 9:23, “ At the beginning of your supplication, the command went out and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Daniel fasted for nearly 21 days and kept praying for the people . There appeared an angel Gabriel, all of a sudden and told him that God loved him all the more and therefore, The angel said, “ The moment you started praying from the very first day, God is sending you the reply for all your prayer requests. He is giving you commandments continuously. Whatever you are asking is happening. What you are praying for, is taking place one after another.” So through this, God is saying something very wonderful. A secret. What is that secret? If you should get all that you pray for or if you should get all that you ask for, and for the commands to come forth the moment you start praying, then you need to be the beloved of God. The angel of the Lord comes to Daniel and says, “ Daniel you are the Beloved of God.” The verse says, “ You are greatly Beloved. ”You are not simply beloved. But also greatly beloved.” What does this mean? It means, “ God loves you all the more.” So whatever you ask for you will surely get. This is the meaning of this verse, in our language. Though there were twelve children for Jacob, and he loved Joseph very much. So he made a coat of many colors and gave it to Joseph.
If God loves you very much then He will give you a coat of many colors. What does this coat of many colors represent? It represents the many blessings of the Lord. If Jacob could give his son a coat of many colors, because he loved him so much. How much more will the Lord give his children whom He loves. Just because the Lord loved Daniel very much, that is why the previous day, when Daniel, the cupbearer, who was taking wine for the king was made the district collector. He became the district collector of the entire Babylon, this is what happened to Daniel because God loved Him very much. Today many of you desire to become a collector, IPS Officer, you like to become a big business man, or a prominent minister of God, or a great scientist, You like to achieve great posts, great names and fame. Super. God will do it for you. Provided you should come in the list of those whom the Lord loves the best. God should include your name along with the list of Daniel. If you want the Lord to love you then you need to live a life that is pleasing to God. Only then the Lord will love you. So Lord for me to be the beloved child of God, what must I do Lord. Ask such a question to God. He will give you the right answer. Then whatever you ask or desire will happen in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you who looked at Daniel and said, “ For you are greatly Beloved.” In the same manner we wish that you refer to us also, as you said about Daniel. Teach us to learn to be acknowledged by You Lord. Help us to do that which is pleasing in your sight. Teach us to be like Daniel Oh Lord. May we satisfy You in every way, and help us to live a contented life. Lord, if you love us then you will give us whatever we ask for. You gave Daniel whatever He asked for. The verse says that you were sending everything from heaven all that Daniel asked for. Lord may be the children would have asked for something but still they would not have received an answer to their prayers. For those children I pray that God will grant from heaven all that they ask for, especially the skill to understand, without any partiality. Help them to receive all the good gifts from above and live a happy and content life on this earth.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Nov 21st, it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Take with me and read from the book of Hebrews 2:18 says, “For in that He Himself, has suffered, being tempted .He is able to aid those who are tempted.”
MY Dear Brothers and Sisters, The verse says that since he has suffered he is able to help those who are tempted. He knows what it is to be tempted, Jesus knows what suffering is. He was broken to pieces. He took upon himself shame and humiliation, People spat upon Him. They tore all his garments. They whipped him on His back and his back was with furrows as if they had plowed his back. He thus bore both physical and mental agony. So He is aware of the sufferings of the people. Some will say “Only if he endures hardship he will know what it is. “My dear children of God, the Lord Jesus Christ endured the hardship patiently. He was beaten, he was whipped. He was broken to pieces. He was mocked, and criticized. Humiliated and despised. Since he had experienced all these things he says, “I know all the sufferings as I have suffered all these things, in the form of a human being, I have borne it all.” “ I suffered but my children should not suffer so I shall help all those who are tempted.”
Today many parents, since they have suffered, do not wish for their children to suffer. So they buy and give all that their children ask for. Just because they could not have proper education, parents take up overtime, and do night duty to educate their children. Parents think that their children should not suffer as they have suffered. This is the intention of the parents. Earthly parents struggle so much to educate their children. What about the heavenly father? So having suffered much in life for the good cause of his children how will He allow His children to suffer? You may be thinking, well I am suffering so much, But God is not helping me in any way. God is not neglecting your problem, He is helping you in some way or other. Which you may not be realizing. He will help you all the more. At times He is giving you strength to bear all the troubles. He sometimes makes way for you to escape from your problems. Today He is saying, since you bore all your sufferings patiently, God looking at your longsuffering and patience, God will keep you far from temptation, and protect you. The daily prayer was taught by our lord Jesus Christ to his disciples. Lord give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation.” That means, Lord change the temptations that come against me. As He is powerful to help you. That power is with Him. So don’t be afraid, don’t be dejected. Today He will help you, in different forms, in whatever area of your life, you need help.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you, Lord I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord for our sake you have been beaten, scorned and whipped, and scourged. You had been put to shame, and humiliation. Lord, You know what it means to suffer or be troubled. Therefore when we come across such temptation, and travel in the midst of troubles and temptation. Lord deliver us and help us to come out or escape from such a situation. Lord You said, that you will grant us peace, hence let this word be Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ. Lord guard and protect our children from all dangerous situations.
In Jesus Name We pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Nov.20th. It is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Let’s concentrate on today’s word of God, , Take with me from the book of Matthews 5:5, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. ”
Many of you think that you should inherit the house in which you live in. Some of you think that you should inherit the rented house in which you are currently staying. Many of you think that you should go abroad either for studies or based on your job, and desire to settle there and inherit that country. Many wish to inherit the gifts of the holy spirit. Some desire to inherit that you are the best child. Some desire to inherit the desire to be the best mother. Some wish to inherit the qualification of a father. Many of you are thinking along these lines. God says that all your thoughts are good and perfect. It is good of you to think on these lines. If you want to inherit the land on which your feet will tread upon then you need to be meek and humble. Jesus was meek and mild and gracious. So you need to be like Jesus who was very meek in nature. You should be like Moses who was also meek in nature. To be meek means you will take all things easy. You will avoid being rude, and rough and be loving to all. God changed Moses as a man of many gifts. God gave Moses whatever he asked from the Lord. Whatever he asked he got it. My Dear children of God, the Lord blessed Moses with a long life of 120 years. Even while he was 120 years of age he could see well. He had good eyesight. The Bible says, “His eyes were not dim, nor his natural vigor was diminished.” The one who is meek will have more strength, More will power. Those who are meek will not have dim eyes. If you want to see whether this is true then you will find the one who is meek will not get easily tensed. He will not get angry all of a sudden. Naturally there is a possibility of him having a length of days, because one who gets easily angry will have high blood pressure. For such meek people no problem will occur in their life.
The positive nature of Moses was His plus point. Even if all others got tensed, he will remain undisturbed. That day when the people of Israel provoked God by making an idol of the calf in gold in order to worship it, God became angry with his people and told Moses that He would destroy all the people of Israel. Moses did not get very perturbed instead he took the matter very lightly. He said to the Lord “I do understand that the people have made an error but give them another chance. Forgive them and let them free. Otherwise please scratch my name, from the book of life. He dealt with the matter very lightly. Even God was astonished to see his nature and his concern for the people. God loved him much. He wondered at his sympathetic heart, and he pleaded with the Lord to give them a chance to live and not perish in the desert. God was pleased with the approach of Moses and because of his meek nature, many lakhs of people were saved from the wrath of God. So now you tell me if the years of the meek will increase or not. Many lakhs of people saved their lives because of how he handled the situation very meekly. Ask God to give you that peace. God will do great things in your life. God will give you the Land on which your feet will tread upon. God will help you and your descendants to inherit.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord there are many who because of their short temper and due to foolishness have lost their jobs. Some of them have lost their business which the Lord had given them. There are many who have lost the anointing of the Lord because of their short temper. And have lost their ministry. Lord hereafter no one should not lose anything, but help them to inherit the land. Let them inherit wealth. Let them inherit many souls for Christ. And let them be like Jesus or like Moses, a meek man, to deal all things amicably. Grant meek nature to all the people who are reading this message. From today let all the children deal with all things in a calm manner. And may they not become tense or short tempered while dealing with things, but let them handle all things coolly and wisely. Let them be relaxed and deal with all things in a cool manner. Let them deal with things meticulously. And help them to be great achievers in life. In Jesus Name We pray. Amen.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, Nov. 19th it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. As you are all anxious to know the word of God for today, Take with me from the book of Proverbs 28:25, “ But he who trusts in the Lord, will be prospered. “
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today many of you eagerly look forward to being prosperous. This is not a wrong desire. In this word while we live God expects us to prosper just as our soul prospers. This is what God expects of you. It is true that God desires that all of you be rich and wealthy. My Dear Children of God for that you need to do one thing. That is to put your trust in the Lord. You should not put your trust in your talents, in your wealth or in your capacity, or in your post. Please do not put your trust in any of these things because at any time it will topple you down. Your trust should always be upon the Lord. God gave you that house to live in, He gave you that post. It is the Lord who gave you that talent. Some of you are thinking that with your talent you can go to Delhi or you can go to America. Many who spoke like this got lost in the world. I know of many such people. Hold on to the Lord. Say, “Lord, I only trust in you. ’’If you trust in the Lord He will not put you to shame. God says one who trusts in the Lord will flourish like the palm tree. If you see, it would grow to a great height and then at the top it would be bushy and lushly. If you want to see the palm tree you need to lift up your head and look upwards to see the palm tree.
God will grant you such a healthy growth. God will bring you to a green and fertile place. All that we need to do is to put your trust in the Lord. Tell the Lord, today “It is not my talent or strength or post or anything else. You are everything Lord. It is all by your grace that I enjoy all these good things in life. Lord it is the alms that you extended to me that I live in this good state of life.” Humble and submit yourself to the Lord. I will trust in You alone Lord, whoever forsakes me, I will trust in You Lord. I will love you Lord. I will put my trust in you Lord. If you put your trust in the Lord then your famine and poverty will be gone and you will be prosperous. Your business will prosper. Your ministry will prosper. Your job will prosper. Your education will prosper. And you will find prosperity in all the phases of your life.
Prayer: Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord, you have said that they who trust in the Lord will prosper. Lord all those who are reading this message from today, may they not put their trust in themselves, or their wealth, or their post, or on their fathers, or their talents, but let them put their trust in the Lord and may they progress in their life. Lord remove all the famine, poverty and insufficiency from them completely and may their cup overflow. They should not borrow any more but may they be people who will lend to others. May the Lord God of heaven bless all the work of their hands and their jobs, and open the windows of heaven , that they may be blessed and prosper in all spheres of life. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Let us read the blessed word the Lord has for us today, Exodus 33:17 “For you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name.”
The Lord declares that you have found grace in His sight. When Mary found grace in the Lord’s eyes, the Lord helped her to bear the blessed fetus of our Lord Jesus Christ in her womb. When Noah found grace in the Lord’s eyes, he was delivered from destruction, and he and his family were protected. Beloved children of God, today You have found grace in the sight of the Lord. What is grace? God’s unmerited favor is God’s Grace. Perhaps you are not qualified to receive a blessing. You may not be eligible. But this grace makes you eligible and will perform a miracle for you. When you receive God’s grace, what happens? The impossible will become possible in your life. Supernatural miracles will happen in your life. When Mary received grace in the Lord’s sight, which she did not expect, Jesus was formed in her womb. Today, those who do not have a child receive mercy in the Lord’s sight and receive grace in the Lord’s sight. Due to this, your closed womb will be opened. When you receive grace in the Lord’s sight, the separated families will be united. When you receive grace in the Lord’s sight for those who do not have a job, the way will open. When you receive grace in the Lord’s sight, the Lord will open ways for you to go to countries that you did not expect.
The God of grace is a God who opens doors that no man can lock. Today, God will open ways and doors that cannot be shut. Today, grace will protect your life. He crowns you with grace and mercy and redeems your life. Perhaps the chords of death have fallen over you; the seal of death has been put over you, but by the grace of death, just like Hezekiah’s life span was increased by 15 years, similarly, God will increase your lifespan. You might be on the brink of death, the doctors might have said you will only be alive for a short while; you don’t know how many more hours you will be alive. But for those children, because they found grace in the Lord’s eyes, once more, the Lord will increase the years of your life and will establish you on this earth. Because He is a God who called you by name. God calls every one of you by name and declares, you have found grace in My sight.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Gracious God, we thank You. Based on this grace, let the wombs be opened. Based on this grace, let them receive government jobs. Based on this grace, let them receive their own houses. Based on this grace, let the floodgates of heaven be opened for my children to repay their loans. Based on this grace, let their life span be increased. Based on this grace, let them receive progress. Based on this grace, let them receive gifts from the Holy Spirit. Let them arise and shine. In Jesus Name Amen.