May 22, 2019

The Wonders of the Lord

Praise the Lord. We are coming from Paramakudi. We had attended the fasting meeting ANBARIN PAATHATHIL ORU NAAL in the month of June 2017 as a family. During the individual prayer, Brother prayed and told us two things. He said that the Lord would give my son a good job and that the Lord would give a spiritual bride for him. Similarly, the Lord granted him a good job as an electrical supervisor at ANNA UNIVERSITY. I praise the Lord for this.

Secondly with regard to my grandson, there was a huge tumor at the back of his right knee. Until two years of age we did not know anything about it. We did not go to any doctor. We got prayed from Brother Stephen. He prayed saying that the boil will vanish away from that spot. Likewise he prayed, the boil vanished away from that spot.

I thank and praise the Lord for performing these two miracles. I also thank Brother Stephen for praying for us.


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