October 11, 2024

Be Glad and Rejoice - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified, and may the Lord bless you. Let us read together from the book of Joel 2:21: “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done marvelous things.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, our God does not do small things. He does great and mighty things. Yet, we often focus on small problems and find ourselves sinking into depression. We miss out on the great blessings God wants to give us because we’re worried about small issues. When we think of small things and allow ourselves to worry, we lose sight of the bigger picture. The Lord is saying, “Don’t be afraid! Never fear. I know your circumstances.” You may be worried about medical reports, health concerns, or other situations that cause fear, but nothing happens without the knowledge of God. God is encouraging you today: do not be afraid. Be bold like a lion! You are His child, and nothing will happen to you outside of His will. Say, “Amen, I accept it, Lord!”

God is going before you. For some of us, fear has held us back for so long that we’ve become like cowards, afraid of everything. This fear has caused us to lose our victories, leading us into depression and anxiety. We’ve confined ourselves to dark rooms of despair and confusion. But today, I say to you: come out of that situation! God is going to do great things in your life. The Lord says, “Be glad and rejoice. Thank the Lord for all things, for God has great plans for you—plans greater than what you expect, think, or even ask for.”

God, who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think, is working on your behalf. So keep saying, “Amen, Lord, I accept Your plans.” God will do as you desire, because He is not a God of partiality. He is able to exalt anyone, no matter their circumstances, by the power of His hand. That hand is stretched out toward you, and it will lift you up. So, I say again: Be glad and rejoice. God will do great things, and it will be marvelous in the eyes of all.

Testimony: I’d like to share a testimony from Rajan in the USA.
He says: “I live in America. I had severe pain in my throat and couldn’t eat or talk properly. I went to the doctor, and after examining me, the doctor said it was fourth-stage cancer. It was difficult to live. The treatment was very strong, and I could barely talk or eat. I was on the verge of death. At that time, my wife’s sister visited the Coimbatore Prayer Tower and met Brother, who was there. She told him about my condition, and he prayed for me over the phone. It was 2:30 PM USA time when he prayed for me with tears and great concern. The next moment, I could speak again, and I began to eat. When the doctors examined me once more, they found no signs of cancer. They discharged me, and I live with perfect health. How good our God is! Satan said I would die, the doctors said I would die, but God is beyond all stages of sickness. He revived a man who had been dead for four days, so this is not too hard for Him.”

So, don’t be afraid. When such problems arise in your life, don’t fret or fear. We are here to pray for you, and there are many prayer towers. But remember, you must also pray and hold on to the promises of God’s word. Prayer brings life. Never grow weary in faith. That’s why we have “Mangala Vaarthai”—to encourage you in your prayer life and help you rise from the fallen state of your faith.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for Your goodness. Your children are expecting great things in life. Do great things for them. Remove all fear from their hearts and fill them with boldness and courage. Let good and happy events take place in their homes. Heal all the sickness and disease that they fear. Help each one to remember and list all the good things You have done for them. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

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