March 3, 2025

Bearing Fruit in the Lord - Bro. T. Stephen

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Proverbs 12:12, “The root of the righteous yields fruit.”

Here in this verse, the root of the righteous denotes the children of righteous people. In Isaiah 11:1, it is mentioned as “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” It means that from David’s clan, through Jesse’s clan, Jesus will be born. It is a prophetic saying. The roots of the righteous will yield fruit which means the children of the righteous will yield fruits.

Today, you may be in a situation where your children, instead of yielding fruit, damage their fruits. Walking in an unwanted way, which affects the peace of your family. By their evil actions, bad speech, and illicit relationships, are you saddened in your heart? Today, tell the Lord: “Forgive me for not becoming righteous. I myself am living a miserable life, and because of that, my children also do not yield fruit. From today onwards, I decide to walk according to the gifts of the Spirit and ask You to change my children to be such a person also.”

If you pray wholeheartedly in such a way, you will surely see changes in the lives of your children. Your children who left the house will come back to you. Those children who beat their father and mother will start to take care of you. The wicked children who never stay at home will become virtuous and dwell in their homes.

Today, whatever struggles you face because of your children, submit them to the Lord and trust in Him. God will change them and make them good children. So, as parents, when we yield fruits, surely our children will also yield fruits. According to today’s promise, parents should be righteous and conduct their lives in the fear of the Lord. Surely, your children will also yield fruit, and their future will be bright.

Today, you may be thinking, “I do not have a child at all.” According to the Bible verse, “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots,” the Lord will help you bring up a good, righteous generation.

Testimony of Sis. Jeevalatha, Coimbatore.
“Near my knees, I had a black stretch mark that grew larger and turned into a wound. It became deep, almost like a hole. I also had a strange sensation on my head, as if lice were crawling, but whenever I touched my head, there were none. Because of this, I couldn’t sleep at night and was filled with fear. During this difficult time, I kept wondering when these problems would leave me. Then, Brother Jeffrin Stephen, whom we know as our little prophet, came to God’s Love Ministries prayer center in Coimbatore. The message he shared was a great blessing. After the meeting, during the individual prayer session, I shared my struggles and requested prayer. Brother spoke prophetic words over me and prayed. He also prayed over a bottle of anointing oil and gave it to me. I applied the oil on my knees and head. Within three days, the wound on my knee healed miraculously. The strange sensation on my head disappeared, and the fear within me was completely gone. Praise be to God!”

Loving Lord, we thank You. You said, “The root of the righteous will yield fruit.” According to Your word, let the children who are not bearing fruit begin to yield fruit in their lives. Help the parents make a firm decision today—to fear You, walk in Your ways, live righteously, follow a good conscience, and be a witness for You before their children. Let them remain steadfast in their decision so that their children may notice and begin to bear the fruits of the Spirit. I also pray for those who do not have children yet. Lord, open their wombs, bless them with the fruit of the womb, and grant them a miraculous gift. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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