February 25, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Genesis, 21:22 says so, “God is with you in all that you do.”
If God is with you, everything you do will prosper, but if God is not with you, everything you do will end in failure. A man’s victory depends solely on the presence of the Lord with him or her. A believer should strongly hold onto the truth: “With Christ, I am a hero; without Christ, I am zero.” This means that without God, you are nothing.
There is an illustration that explains this well: Next to God, who holds the highest value, even a single number can be considered significant. If you place several zeros next to the number one, the value increases. However, without God, no matter how many zeros you add, they remain worthless. You may feel like a zero, but if you stand next to God, your value will increase, your honor will be lifted, and many good things will begin to happen. In today’s world, many Christians live without Christ in their lives. But if you start living with Jesus, your scarcity, disease, debt, and shame will drastically change.
In the Bible, we see that wherever Jesus went, there was liberation. Jairus, a synagogue official, had a 12-year-old daughter who died, but she was resurrected when Jesus came to their home. Similarly, in the case of Mary and Martha, they said, “Lord, if You had been here, our brother would not have died.” Even after Lazarus had been buried for four days, the Lord Jesus commanded him to come back to life, and he was resurrected. This was all because of the Lord’s presence.
In the story of the widow of Nain, she was accompanied by a large crowd, carrying her only son to be buried. The Bible says she had no relatives. But as the Lord was passing by, He had compassion on her, resurrected her son, and gave him back to her. Since the Lord was there, a miracle happened. If He had not passed that way, or if the widow had not had the opportunity to meet Him that day, she would have buried her son and lost the chance to see him alive again. Through today’s promise, the Lord is meeting you wherever you are reading from. If God is with you, the work of your hands will prosper, and you will witness greater things.
Testimony of Sis. Menaka from Coimbatore
“I have been coming to the Coimbatore Garden of Comfort Prayer Centre for the past year. It is a well-known prayer centre in Coimbatore. Whenever I felt depressed and overwhelmed with worries, I would come here to pray, and it brought me great comfort and peace. I also participated in the Friday Shemam Fasting Prayer, where I prayed with others. My family runs a mobile shop, but we were struggling with no business and no income, which caused us great hardship. In our distress, we came directly to God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre in Coimbatore. After receiving prayer, the Lord was with us in everything, and He blessed our business with progress.” In the same way, I firmly believe He will do the same for you, God will bless the works of your hands and prosper as you seek Him.
Loving Lord we thank You. Be with your children in all they do—studies, work, business, and ministry—granting them success and victory. Lord, as You have promised, “I will be with you and do awesome things.” Let my children witness Your wonders and experience Your marvelous works in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.