February 11, 2025

Bountiful Harvest - Bro. T. Stephen

Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, February 11th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you.

Today, what is the auspicious word that God has for us?
2 Corinthians 9:6 – “He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

If you put in a lot of effort, you will reap abundantly. If your effort is minimal, then your harvest will also be minimal. For example, if you sow one measure of paddy, you will reap accordingly. If you sow ten measures of paddy, your harvest will be much greater. The Bible beautifully emphasizes that when you sow bountifully, God will bless you with an abundant harvest. Some may think this verse applies only to offerings, but that is not the case. This principle applies to every aspect of life. If you study more, you will score better. If you work diligently, your rewards will be greater. Those who wake up early and dedicate themselves to studying will achieve high marks, even if their memory power is weak. God sees the effort and blesses accordingly.

Similarly, in the workplace, a part-time job yields a part-time salary, while a full-time job provides a full-time salary. Some even work overtime to receive extra earnings. The same applies to ministry—if you dedicate only a few hours a week, your impact will be limited. However, if you commit yourself fully, meeting and praying for people daily, God will bless and expand your ministry. Whatever you do—be it ministry, work, or business—the effort you invest determines your harvest. The more you sow, the more you will reap.

Sister Vasantha Rajkumar from Bangalore
Praise be to God! My son, Vasantha Kumar, lost his job due to an unexpected issue. Despite many attempts, he was unable to find another job. During this difficult time, I regularly watched the sermon you share on Nambikkai TV at 11:00 PM and prayed along with you. Your messages and prayers gave me great comfort and faith. I made an oath and gave an offering to God’s Love Ministries for my son’s job. The Lord accepted my offering, heard my prayers, and blessed my son with a high-position job with a great salary. As a token of gratitude, I have sent ₹20,000 from his first salary to God’s Love Ministries. Praise be to God! My son, who was unemployed for so long, received a miraculous breakthrough through prayer. The Lord will do the same for you!

Loving Lord, we thank You. You have said that those who sow bountifully will reap bountifully. Many of Your children are crying out, saying they see no harvest. Today, bless the work of their hands so that they may reap abundantly. Bless their education, ministry, work, and business. Give them strength and a desire to work diligently. Let them not be lazy, expecting an abundant harvest without effort, but let them work with enthusiasm, prayer, and integrity. As they labor, may they receive a bountiful blessing and experience miraculous abundance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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