October 16, 2024

Commit Your works to the Lord - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your works to the Lord. And your thoughts will be established. ”
When we think or plan things in our ways , it may fail. We may not taste success. Hence the word of God guides us to commit our ways to God. He will establish us.
Commit your works to the Lord. Commit your industry to the Lord. Commit your children to the Lord. Commit your business to the Lord. Commit your job to the Lord. Commit your education to the Lord. Commit your ministry to the Lord. Commit your family to the Lord. Then your thoughts concerning these things will be established before the Lord, and it will do good for you.

So what do we understand from this. We need to submit everything to God . We need to give priority to God. When you begin to do something then submit that thing to the Lord. God says, commit your works to the Lord. If you are going to build a house, then commit the matter to the Lord. Tell Him that you are about to build a house and seek His guidance and counsel. In case you are seeking admission for your child in a school or college, then tell the Lord, I am going to seek admission for my child in this school, or college, kindly grant a seat for my child. Please help me to secure a seat for my child. Lord I am going to seek a good proposal for my child. Lord help me in my effort. Do help me, Lord. So not only will you submit all your dealings to the Lord, but you will also give him an opportunity to move, the task set for Him.
“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and it adds no sorrow to it.”And the blessing of the Lord will remain on the head of the righteous. So only when you submit to the Lord it will remain or last long. I have heard certain people say, “The pregnancy remained for just three months, and there was miscarriage. After five months there was miscarriage. As soon as one becomes pregnant you should commit to the Lord. Lord you must bless my child in the womb for ten months, to grow in the right form and cause me to deliver it without any problem. Lord often my pregnancy drops down. Lord I am not able to enjoy the gift of having a descendant. So, hereafter you submit everything to the Lord. Then God will help you to see a blessed descendent. God is bringing you a good testimony. Sister Sudha from Chennai. She has sent her testimony. “I attended the Sheamam Fasting prayer on Friday at God’s Love Prayer centre. I had prayed that I should get a promotion in my job. Brother prayed and gave a good auspicious word. I held on to that word, and went home, and by the grace of God in the same week, God blessed me with a promotion at a higher level with a good package more than my expectation.”
When you commit your plans to God , He will succeed it . God bless you.

Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord let the children, commit all the work they do to the Lord. Let them trust in You because you alone make them to prosper in their work. You make them to be firmly rooted and established. Let this word be fulfilled in the life of the children.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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