March 4, 2020

DELIVERANCE - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of   Exodus 3:7, And the Lord said, “I have surely seen the oppression of My people, who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry, because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows.” 

From the above context we understand that God saw the affliction of his people, in Egypt, by their task masters and had great sympathy towards them. God had an affectionate concern for them. So he had a fixed, settled, determination in his mind to deliver them.  He had thoroughly observed their affliction and was afflicted with them in it and was bent upon their deliverance out of it.

The task masters were set over them to see that they did their work and to lay heavy burdens on them and afflict them by all manner of ways, and methods they could devise and who abused and beat them for not doing what they ought to have done which made them cry out all the more because of their barbarous usage of them, and cry unto God for help and deliverance. God knows the pains of their body that they were put into and the inward grief and trouble of their minds on account of them. God knew their sorrows for certain.

Just as God saw the affliction of the Israelites and heard their cry, God is saying that he is looking at your sorrow, you being oppressed by others. You are currently going through affliction and you are unable to bear it. But the Lord says,”’ In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.” So never think that you are in trouble and others are living a   comfortable and happy life. It is not so. There is none that does not go through troubles. Every one according to their capacity has their own trouble. When we look at others we might think they have no sorrows but when you go closer to them you will realize that they are going through worse trouble than what you are going through. But God will not give affliction more than your capacity.   The Israelites   couldn’t bear the hardship any further so they looked up to heaven and cried to God for deliverance.  

When oppression strikes your door, cry out to God.  As the affliction increases day by day, cry out to God.  Pray with faith. Increase your prayer time.  David said,  “When I am afraid I put my trust in God.” Look up to God.  Cry out loudly. Pray without ceasing,    pray vehemently, pray from within your heart.  Start praying truthfully and honestly. Start praying by praising and with thanksgiving. Render your prayers to the presence of the Lord. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus and   fill you with the presence of God and you will experience the deliverance of God. If Jesus makes you free then you shall be free indeed.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly   Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Strengthen us, Lord, that we may overcome all the hurdles that we face. Lord, we thank you for hearing our prayers and delivering us from all our problems.  Teach us to pray with real faith.  Teach us to bear the cross and follow you.  

In Jesus name we pray.


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