May 27, 2020

Dependence on God - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of    Psalms 86: 14, 15, O God, the proud have risen against me,
And a mob of violent men have sought my life, And have not set You before them.15 But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, Longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.

From the above context we understand that David wanted God to reveal, a token or sign that the God of Israel, was dealing with him, not for evil, but for good. That those who hate him might see   it.  He wanted to ensure that God was with him and against his enemies. David cries out to God, saying O God, the proud are risen against me. The enemies could not let God’s poor   servant alone. His walk with God was as smoke to their eyes and so they determined to destroy him.   Unitedly   the oppressors   sought the good man’s life; they hunted in packs, with keen scent and eager foot. David says, Lord those who do not fear God are not afraid to commit violent and cruel acts. So he says, “But thou O Lord Art a God, full of compassion, and plenteous in mercy and truth.” Thus we know that “Here is compassion for the weak, grace for the undeserving, longsuffering for the   provoking; mercy for the guilty and truth for the tired.”

In this context David says, “Many people had assembled to take away his life; people of his own family   and   strangers  too  were  in the list.  In this circumstance what he did was to say, that these people walked without their consciousness. If only they had conscious they will not chase me to hit me and to hurt me. They will not cause such pain and agony to me.” But You O Lord are a God who knows my problem and shows compassion to me.

David complained that it was his own father in law, King Saul, who took  David’s  wife Michal  and gave her to another man  Palti to be his wife  even though David did not make any mistake. David was pained at heart at the separation of his wife.  King Saul was greedy   of power and kingship.  So he did not want to give David, the kingship   even though he was anointed by prophet Samuel, to become the next king of Israel.  On the other hand King David’s own son Absalom also planned to kill David, his father to seize his kingdom and power from David’s hand.  Moreover   King Saul had gathered three thousand  brave soldiers to attack David who was hiding in the hill at Hakilah.  David was also attacked by the Philistines because he won the giant Goliath.  Thus David was surrounded by many enemies so he cries out to God, saying “O God the proud have risen against me and a mob of violent men have sought my life. And have not set   You before them.  But You O Lord are a God full of compassion and gracious, Longsuffering and abundant in mercy.”

Today many proud men would have risen against you, for various reason, within your family, at your work spot, In the ministry you work or in the college, there may be some rising against you. So in case   you are confronted with such type of people, then commit them to the Lord, and trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass. Commit such people in the hands of the Lord. And He will save you from their hands. David did not retaliate with his enemies or argue with them but proved that the battle was God’s and He will fight for him. He made God his confidence. Halleluiah!

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, David says, “Lord you are a God of compassion, You are a God who knows my heart, and there is no one besides you. Even my wife has gone away from me, with her father.” He was truly pained at heart. Therefore he submitted his life, to God asking God to take care of his life. And he complained about the people who did not set God before them.  And said that they had no conscience in seeking to hurt him or take his life. Therefore he asks God to show him a sign, for good that those who hate him may see it and be ashamed. For God has promised that he will not suffer the innocent to be oppressed but will always, at length succour them. Thus David confided in God, and encouraged himself in the Lord God of Israel.  May the Lord help you also to confide in the Lord   like David.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we   thank   You   for   teaching us to confide in You O Master. May we  realise  how  great You  are  and  to commit our ways, unto You and  put our trust in you believing  that  You will  bring  it to pass.  Teach   us   to   walk wisely as David walked before  God. In spite of all the troubles be with us and help us to  be  victorious in our life.

In Jesus name we pray.




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