March 23, 2025
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? Knowledge is something we acquire through education — we pay fees and attend school to learn about specific subjects. However, wisdom is a divine gift, freely given by the Lord to those who live in the fear of the Lord. Today, those who possess God-given wisdom, even without formal education, find success. On the other hand, those who have knowledge but lack wisdom often face failure. Therefore, wisdom is far more important than knowledge.
To receive this divine wisdom, what must we do? We must live in the fear of the Lord, guided by our conscience. We should flee from evil, avoid association with wrongdoers, and walk in righteousness. The Bible teaches us not to follow the path of the wicked nor sit in the company of scoffers. The Lord alone is our hope. If you live as God’s obedient children, your life will be blessed — your relationships, career, and income will flourish. Divine wisdom will work within you, guiding you in every aspect of life.
Brother M.S. John Xavier from Chennai shares this powerful testimony, “My son James completed his B.E. and started working, but his workplaces were not suitable. He changed jobs multiple times, each ending in disappointment. This left him depressed and sorrowful. We sought an appointment to meet and pray with Brother Stephen. When the time came, we shared our son’s struggles as a family, and Brother Stephen prayed for us. During the prayer, through prophetic words, Brother Stephen said, ‘Business is not your path. You will get a job in a big MNC, and you will travel to many countries.’ Later, James took an exam along with 20,000 others and secured the 46th rank. He then completed his MBA in Coimbatore. By the grace of God and through Brother Stephen’s prayers, my son received a job in a prestigious Australian company. Today, he works there with a good salary, and from his first month’s earnings, we offered Rs. 1,80,000 to God’s Love Ministries as thanksgiving. God fulfilled His promise and made his name great abroad. He will do the same for you.”
Loving Lord, we thank You. According to Your Word, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” May each of Your children arise and shine with divine wisdom. Open doors for permanent jobs and bless them to lead their families responsibly. Bind those who have been separated from their spouses in Your divine wisdom, and bring unity to their families. Bless them with wise progeny and break all barriers of the womb. Let Your children receive divine healing and long life.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.