March 24, 2020
My dearly beloved in Christ. I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let us turn our attention to a special Bible fact today. The phrase “Fear not” has been mentioned 365 times in the Bible. This year has begun with the spreading of a fearful disease. It may seem like the future is uncertain and fear may be beginning to creep in but know this dear one- Our God is above any sickness known to man. God is not surprised that this has happened. He already knew this was coming. He already knew how it would spread. He also knows that there will be a solution for it soon. In the meantime, our job is to stay strong in faith. Even more than before. We need to be wise and do what is necessary to protect ourselves but at the same time we must not let fear control our decisions. I urge you to go about your day for these next seven days in full prayer. God has given us this time to repent of our sins and spend more time at his feet. Every time you hear troubling news, run to God in prayer, let not your hearts be filled with anxiety but instead let us fill our hearts with the word of God. I encourage you to read Psalms 91 out loud daily along with your whole family.
2 Timothy 1:7 says For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Power: We as christians have the power to build others up during this time. Phone call your friends and neighbours. Share encouraging scriptures with them. If they don’t know about Christ and are crippled with fear, talk to them about Jesus, tell them about your testimonies and say the same God will deliver them from whatever they are going through.
Love: It is easy to only think of ourselves and our immediate family during this time. But let us begin to pray with love for our state, our country and the world as a whole. Let us show love to the people we meet during the day. Even when there is chaos in the supermarket, may we find help from God to be kind to the people around us even though fear makes other people behave rudely sometimes
Sound mind: Let us ask God for divine wisdom as to how to ration out the provisions we have, what to do with our investments and finances and other matters that we need his help in. Only he can guide us when we make difficult decisions that affect our family.
So dear reader, I hope you have been strengthened in spirit and as you get ready to face this week know that God’s grace and mercies are new every morning.
Prayer: Dear God in heaven. Even though it is difficult to see the future help me to blindly trust in you as I come to you desperate for hope during these fearful times. Fill me up with divine strength and courage as I go through every day. Be with me and protect my family. I pray for everyone who is in their sickbeds during this time, heal them O Lord, deliver them from this sickness. I pray that you will guide all the medical professionals and soon bring a cure for this disease. In your mighty name we pray.