March 5, 2025

Freedom Through God’s Truth - Bro. T. Stephen

Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

The Bible verses we meditate on daily are filled with words of truth. If you understand the truth, it will set you free. There is a difference between listening to the truth, reading the truth, and understanding the truth. Simply reading the truth without making an effort to understand it is of no use.
Therefore, you should ask yourself:
• What is God conveying to me through this verse?
• What truth is hidden in this verse?
• How is this word of truth guiding me in my walk?

If you meditate on Bible verses with such questions, you will surely understand the truth behind them, and the truth will set you free. It will free you from sin, curses, sickness, debt, and shame. You do not need to search for freedom elsewhere—just read God’s Word and seek to understand the truth. Spend time reading God’s Word to know the truth. As you continue following this “Today’s Word” message daily, the truth explained here will also set you free. Today, may the Lord give you the grace to understand the truth. May He give you the grace to seek and explore the truth. May He grant you the grace to recognize, understand, and walk in the truth. This truth will bring you the freedom you have not experienced until now.

Testimony from Brother Promod, Chennai.
“During my youth, I committed innumerable sins. Though I knew the Lord, I lived as if I did not know Him. I went to many places that were displeasing to the Lord. Because of this, the spirit of sorcery took hold of me. At night, I was unable to sleep. Without realizing it, I would cut and wound myself. I would even pull out my hair. During this difficult time, a friend told me about God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre and brought me there. The prayer warrior prayed fervently for me, and at that very moment, the spirit of sorcery that surrounded me left me. Following the prayer warrior’s advice, I went to the prayer room at God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre. I knelt down and began confessing my sins one by one. It was as if my past sins played before my eyes like a film. After confessing all my sins, I came out of the prayer room with a clear and sound mind. In another instance, another person also came to the prayer centre, where we counselled and prayed for him. As he knelt and prayed, all his bondages were broken, and he too came out with a sound mind. The Lord will do the same for you and set you free.

Loving Lord, we thank You. Bless Your children who are reading this and help them grow in understanding the truth. Teach them, Lord. May the sermons in church, reading the Bible, and the lessons from this “Today’s word” be meaningful to them. Let them acknowledge, understand, and live by Your Word as a testimony to others. Free them from debt, sickness, shame, and curses. Let the truth they receive set them free and establish them in peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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