September 19, 2024

God Counsels You - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us take a moment to reflect on Job 29:4, which says, “Just as I was in the days of my prime, when the friendly counsel of God was over my tent.”

Dear brothers and sisters, in the dwelling place of Job’s tent, God’s secret counsel was always present. At that time, God protected him from all harm and danger. Job recalls the glorious days of his life and expresses his thoughts. He reflects on how God’s secret counsel was with him, and during that time, the powerful Almighty God was with him and his children. He experienced abundance, saying he washed his feet in ghee and enjoyed oil flowing like a river from the rock. Job remembers these peak moments and wishes for their return. What he conveys is that during his glorious period, the Lord’s counsel was in his tent, guiding and protecting him.

Why should the secret counsel of the Lord be in our homes? It is essential to guard against the intrusion of evil and the deceitful schemes of the enemy that aim to destroy us and our families. Additionally, it protects us from the harmful intentions of neighbors, bad friends, or relatives who may wish to harm us through divination or black magic. If such schemes are devised against us, they will be nullified by the presence of God’s secret counsel.

No evil shall befall you; there will be no loss or disease in your household. Job’s experiences during his glorious times were a result of God’s secret counsel being present in his life. God assures us that He will also place His secret counsel in our homes. He watches over us, silently guarding against witchcraft, sorcery, and any other evil intentions aimed at us. He will bless the work of our hands, and like the oil flowing from the rock, we shall live abundantly and prosperously. That is why we seek the secret counsel of God in our homes. Together, let us ask the Lord to bless each of our households with His guidance and protection.

Dear Lord, we thank You. The secret of Job’s glorious life was Your counsel in his house. As You observed Job’s actions, we pray that every child watching this program be blessed with prosperity and good fortune. Keep them safe from destruction and the noise of death. Rescue them from the effects of sorcery and witchcraft. Almighty God, may Your secret counsel dwell in our homes. Protect our children from their enemies, who may come against them in one way and flee in seven. Make them rich and prosperous.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.

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