March 7, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is always beautiful to see how a mother comforts her child. However, this is not always the case with fathers, as they can be easily angered by their children instead of comforting them. Mothers often protect their children, even from their fathers’ anger. Likewise, today, the Lord is giving you a promise from Isaiah 66:13: “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” Just as a mother pampers and protects her children from anyone who tries to harm them, Jesus will console, comfort, and do good for you. He will also hide and protect you from harm.
At times, when children fail an exam, the father may be quick to anger and punish them. But the mother is always there to comfort, console, and encourage them with words of hope, assuring them that they will pass the next time. However, there are also strict mothers who are tough on their children—not out of cruelty, but out of love and concern for their well-being. Similarly, God also takes care of you like a mother.
I know a family where a 25-year-old young man suffered from kidney failure. Although many people offered to donate their kidneys, it was his mother who stepped forward first, willing to sacrifice for her son. That is a mother’s love—one that closely resembles divine love. If an earthly mother has such deep love and care for her child, how much more will our Heavenly Father love and care for His children? He is your consoler, your comforter, and the one who works miracles for you.
No matter what makes you sad or depressed today, even if there is no one beside you to care for or console you, know that the Lord is very near. He is ready to comfort, encourage, and uplift you. The Lord is saying, “It is enough! Do not remain downcast or hidden in darkness. Arise! Zion, I have given you power—stand up, run, and achieve great heights with the strength I have given you.” The Lord is blessing you to become a great achiever.
Testimony of Sister Jerusha Daniel
“My elder brother’s name is Vasudhevan, and his wife’s name is Preetha. She is three months pregnant. When the doctors examined her, they said that the child in her womb did not have proper brain development. Since this was their first child, both my elder brother and sister-in-law’s families were deeply sorrowful. In this difficult situation, we sent all the medical details to Brother Stephen via email and requested prayers. Brother Stephen prayed and replied to the email with God’s word. After receiving his response, they went to another hospital for a second opinion and took another scan. By Brother Stephen’s prayers and by God’s mercy and grace, the doctors found no problem with the child’s brain development—it had formed properly. They reassured my brother and his wife, saying, “You need not be afraid.” At a time of great sorrow, the Lord consoled my elder brother, sister-in-law, and their families through Brother Stephen’s prayers and God’s comforting word.” This is a beautiful testimony! Even today, if there is anything troubling your family—something that has stolen your peace—the Lord will perform a miracle and bring you comfort.
Loving Lord, we thank You. As a mother comforts her child, Lord, You comfort us. For those children who are in depression, feeling abandoned with no one to console them—Lord, be their comfort. Wipe away their tears and embrace them with Your love. Enter their rooms, see their struggles, and take action on their behalf. Grant them victory over their troubles. Those who are trapped in darkness, depression, and mental distress—bring them back to peace and restore them. Transform them into honorable vessels for Your glory. Amen.