March 10, 2019

God is our healer - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord gave me to bless you today is from the book of Psalms 41: 8,3, “‘A disease has afflicted him; he will never get up from the place where he lies’ (says the people). But the Lord says, ‘He will sustain them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness’”.  There is a difference between the prediction of man and the plan of God. Man thinks that he will die because of the sickness; but God says that he will not die, rather live and declare the work of God. To those of you who are suffering from any illness, the Lord says that, He is going to cause you to live so that you will declare the works of God.

Sickness comes in many ways; by satan who brings sickness over a persons’ life, sometimes by eating unhealthy food or even sometimes the Lord might permit some sickness in your life to test your faith in God. Sickness may enter you in many ways, but the only way to come out of it is through Jesus. The book of Exodus 23:25 says, “The Lord will keep you free from every disease”. There is no disease that is incurable by Jesus.

You or your loved ones might be suffering from an incurable sickness and may think that, that disease might even cause death. The Lord says that, He needs only a flick of a second to heal you. Even if you are in your sickbed, God can heal you within a moment.

Man may say that a disease is incurable but for God everything is curable. Are you going through an incurable disease? Are the doctors telling that your disease in incurable? Do not worry. God is there to heal you. One word from the Lord is enough to heal you.

Today is the day that the Lord is going to cure you from all your incurable diseases. Use the opportunity that God is giving to you today. Believe and receive your blessing.

God bless you.


Ourr loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I pray that You may heal Your children who are suffering from any incurable disease. Father, You are the greatest doctor. Lord we know that there is no disease that You cannot cure. Deliver them from all their sicknesses and bless them with good health. In Jesus name we pray,

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