October 12, 2024

God Meets You Today - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified! Let us turn to the Word of God from the book of Psalms, chapter 21, verse 3: “For You meet him with blessings of goodness; You set a crown of pure gold upon his head.”

My dear brothers and sisters, today the Lord is coming to meet you with blessings of goodness, and He is placing a crown of pure gold upon your head. This signifies that God desires to give you a royal upliftment and bless you abundantly. Many have placed curses upon your head, but God is offering you a crown of pure gold. When God places this crown on your head, all curses will depart from you and be replaced by blessings.

There is a beautiful verse in the Bible: “Since the Lord has loved you, God has turned your curse into a blessing.” (Deuteronomy 23:5). God will change all curses into blessings. Some may have cursed you for no reason, but this will not have any effect on you. Don’t trouble yourself thinking about the negative things others have said about you. Never believe that they have placed a curse upon you, because God is coming to meet you today with blessings of goodness.

Even when evil is set against you, God is stepping in with blessings of goodness. When God comes close to you, the downward forces of evil will disappear. All weapons formed against you will not prosper. If God is near you, the powers of darkness will flee from you. Just as in the case when Jesus approached the man possessed by a legion of demons, they cried out, “What do you have to do with us, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” (Mark 5:7). The evil spirits could not tolerate Jesus coming close. Similarly, when God draws near to you, all evil spirits and powers of darkness must depart.

When God comes into your life, He will remove all unwanted sinful nature, evil attitudes, and harmful behaviors. He will also heal you from all sickness and disease. All the burdens of weakness and suffering will leave your body. There will be great rejoicing, for God is bringing a crown of pure gold and blessings of goodness in His hands. Will you receive it today? Let us bow our heads and receive these blessings from the Lord.

Testimony: I want to share a testimony from Sister Mary in Tanjore. She writes:
“I worked and then retired, but I struggled for years without receiving my pension. Despite all efforts, I was unable to get it. In my desperation, I spoke to the people at the Prayer Tower and asked if I could contact Brother Stephen. They made it possible for me to hear Brother pray for me. During his prayer, Brother Stephen said, ‘God is commanding the angels to dust off the dirt from your requisition letter for the pension and is placing it on the table. The officers will call you from the office.’

Just a few hours later, I received a call from the pension office. After some negotiation, my pension was finally released, and I am now receiving it. Thanks be to the Lord!”Despite years of struggle, Sister Mary did not give up. She took a spiritual step, which was what ultimately brought the breakthrough. This reminds us that sometimes we take all the physical steps, but fail to take spiritual action. We must always be open to spiritual counsel and divine intervention.

I remember another testimony that will stay with me forever. A mother had been praying for her son and daughter-in-law, who had been unable to conceive for ten years. She repeatedly told them about a special meeting held every first Saturday in Chennai. They were reluctant to attend, having spent vast amounts of money on treatments that yielded no results. After ten years of trying, they finally attended the meeting.
During the session, as we spoke about the birth of Jesus during that Christmas season, the Lord spoke to the brother’s heart and gave him a prophecy: “By next December, your wife will have a child.” They believed the word, carried it home, and that very month, his wife conceived. The next Christmas, they returned to the meeting with their two-month-old baby.

Dear children of God, when you receive spiritual guidance, don’t hesitate to act on it. Many miracles are happening, and God is blessing people through prayer and counsel. Make use of the opportunities available to you, and you too will experience God’s blessings.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for Your goodness. I pray and bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. As You have promised today, You will meet them with blessings of goodness, placing a crown of pure gold upon their heads. Bless them, Lord, and meet all their needs. Make them vessels of honor, and grant them a royal status in life. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

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