June 4, 2020
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Isaiah 40:1, 2, “Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” Says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we understand that our God Comforts those that are burdened with heavy heart. He comforts them like a mother. We often think how special and beloved our mothers are. They are really very dear gift to us. I would like the readers to consider God’s motherly comfort of his people. The Prophet Isaiah gives us the word of the Lord, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”Mothers love for you is a spontaneous personal affection. She loved you when you kicked within her womb. She always, fixed her eyes and cares on you. When a child is hurt it is Mom they call for. And this is the kind of comfort being described here in our message.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Mother usually takes care of her children and finds every way, to comfort her child. She is prepared to sacrifice to any extent for the well being of her child. She is even prepared to lose anything for the welfare of her child. They are willing to spend any amount to save the life of their child, in case they are sick and bed ridden. Mothers usually consider the future of their children more important than their own well being. All that they desire to see, is that, their child does well in life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, many of you are reading this message with much enthusiasm since it speaks the truth of a good mother. All those who feel so dejected and despised by your loved ones, God wants to comfort you just as a mother would comfort you. Some of you may not hold a good job, or may not even earn a good income. May be you are having huge sum of debts and hence living in shame. You might be facing some kind of unpleasant situation in your work spot or in the neighbourhood. God is bringing an end to such situation. God will perform a miracle for you and comfort you. Don’t you worry, God will comfort you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, While Jesus lived on the face of this earth, He personally visited the people, performed miracles and comforted them. There was a widow of the city of Nain. She had a son, when Jesus came near the gate of the city he saw a dead man being carried out to be buried. He was the only son of his mother. She was burdened with a heavy heart. Her only son was dead. She lost all her hope. How could she survive without anyone? When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”Then he touched the coffin and said to the young man, “I say to you, arise.” And he who was dead, sat up. And began to speak. And he handed over the young man to his mother. Her sorrow was turned to joy in a moment. He will change your mourning into dancing.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for comforting us like a mother. Thank You Lord for helping us to realize the important role a mother plays. Help us to inherit such good qualities from her. May we console and comfort those in distress as God comforted others.
In Jesus name we pray.