October 19, 2024

GOD OF JUSTICE - Bro. T. Stephen

Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us read the auspicious word for the day from Isaiah 30:18, “For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are all those who wait for Him.”

God is one who does justice for his people. Today many of you are saying that in the place of my work spot I didn’t find any justice. In my own family I haven’t found justice. I couldn’t find justice in the church where I go to worship. In my family in the midst of my siblings I haven’t found justice. I couldn’t find justice in my neighborhood, where I live. Today God says, “I will do justice for you.”God has said in the word of God, “Bring your rightful cases before Me.” I will do justice to you. Today your case may be regarding your property, or it may be regarding your life, or it may be concerning your job. It could be a false case brought against you. It could be a case cunningly brought against you. Or it could be the cold war that goes on continuously within the family. It could be a case raised due to ego.

Though living together, the husband may not talk to his wife; there may not be proper understanding between them. Children may not be talking to parents. Whatever it may be today the Lord God is saying, “I will do justice for you. ”So long it did not happen but it will happen today. It does not mean that since it did not happen the day before yesterday or until yesterday, that it will never happen again today in your life. Everyone could say this judgment has come against you . But it is not so. God is saying that it will come in favor of you. God says, “I will look into your strong reasons for your case and bring justice to you. So be happy. Never will there be any judgment charged against you. Or any case filed falsely against you. God will do all things in favor of you.

Today we have a wonderful testimony. It is from Immanuel Ebenezer of Chennai. He says, “My mother was ill and in a very bad condition she was admitted in the ICU. The doctor after examining her immediately said that angioplasty had to be done in her leg and also her kidneys were affected. In this state on 23.08.24, I attended the Shaemam meeting that was held in the Prayer Tower. And there we had asked Brother Stephen to pray for my mother. On hearing the prayer of Brother Stephen, and after a minor operation she is recovering slowly. And now she is able to walk properly. Her kidney is functioning properly”.

This miracle happened in the Chennai Prayer Centre at the Shaeman Meeting. God did justice to them. The whole family was rejoicing over this miracle. Today God will hear your plea and will do a miracle. God bless you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. You are God who sees us and you are watching over us. Lord wherever there is no justice I pray that Justice will be done. Lord come down directly to do justice for your children. And do a miracle for them. Help the children who have been falsely accused and do justice for them. Those who are saying that there is no one to support my case , for such people, Lord send your help.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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