October 20, 2024

God Performs Appointed Miracles - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Join me in reading from the book of Job 23:14, which says, “For He performs what is appointed for me.”

My dear brothers and sisters, the Lord says that what is appointed for you will be given to you, and no one will take it away from you. He will fulfill what is appointed for you. You might think, “This did not happen for me, that did not happen for me. This is still pending.” You may even think, “If it didn’t happen for me, at least it should happen for my child, but that didn’t happen either. Maybe it will happen for my husband? But even that didn’t happen. Will it at least happen for my grandchildren?” In this manner, you are lamenting that nothing seems to have happened for anyone.

But hereafter, it will happen in the life of all. God will break all barriers and perform a miracle. Place your hand on your chest and say, “The Lord will do what is appointed for me.” God is able to do what is appointed for you. The Word of God says, “He is able to do what He has promised.” Whatever He has said He will do for you, He will give to you. It may delay in coming to pass, but though it tarries, it will surely come. No matter what it is—whether it is a good job, a good result, a good house, or a good life partner—God says, “I will give it.” But when He gives it depends upon your behavior and activities.

Sometimes, if God gives what you need immediately, you may not know the value of it. You may squander it. You might waste everything. So, God will prepare you and make you mature enough to receive it. There is a verse in Psalms 65 that says, “You visit the earth and water it. You greatly enrich it. The river of God is full of water. You provide their grain, for so You have prepared it.” Before giving you the grain, He will make some corrections and then provide for you.

You might be saying, “I have no grain at all, no income at all. I do a lot of business but don’t have sufficient income. I am struggling so much, but there is no increase in my income. They have kept me at the same level. Those who joined after me are earning more than me. I don’t know why they have kept me in this manner. I am training them, but I am paid less, while those I train are paid more.” You are lamenting over your situation.

Today, the Lord is saying that what is appointed for you will be performed at the right time. He will give you much more than you are receiving and will make your name great. Shall we hear a testimony?

Sister Shruthi from Medavakkam shared, “I got married in 2017. I didn’t conceive for one year. After medical examination, the doctor said that I had fibroids in my stomach. I was deeply distressed. I attended the ‘Anbarin Padhathil Oru Naal’ meeting. During individual prayer, Brother Stephen prayed for me and said, ‘You will have a son.’ After that prayer, I conceived and, by the grace of God, gave birth to a male child. Not only that, but my son Avidon Isaac, who is six and a half years old, suddenly developed a high fever. When we took him to the doctor, we discovered that his white blood cell count was only 90. I attended the ‘Shemun Fast and Prayer Meeting’ at the Prayer Tower and requested Brother Stephen to pray for my son’s health. After he prayed, my son was completely healed and returned home.”

See how many miracles the Lord is still doing today! God is performing miracle after miracle. Today, He will do the same for you. We heard a testimony from the ‘Anbarin Padhathil Oru Naal’ meeting and another from the ‘Shemun Fast and Prayer Meeting.’ They attended these meetings, prayed, and received their miracles. All of you can also attend these meetings and receive your miracles.

Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray and bless all the children in the name of our Lord Jesus. Lord, we believe that You will fulfill what You have appointed for them. We say “Amen” in advance to You, Lord. We give You thanks, Lord. We believe that You will bring into existence what does not yet exist. Even though the days have passed, we thank You for granting their desires. Though there may have been many rejections, we thank You for providing what is needed. No matter how many hurdles they face, we thank You, Lord, for fulfilling Your promises in their lives. We thank You. We thank You. Lord, whatever has blocked their goals or their ability to receive what You have appointed for them, I pray in the name of Jesus that You will release it for them at the appointed time. Let miracles happen in their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

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