October 4, 2024

God Remembers You - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the Name of the Lord be glorified. Let’s read from the book of Isaiah 44:21: “O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.”

My dear brothers and sisters, today many of you might be sitting and thinking, “My own mother has forgotten me. My own husband has forgotten me. My wife has forgotten me. She went for delivery, and since then, she has distanced herself, focusing on her family and the child. She hasn’t even shown me the baby.” Some of you may feel that a friend you trusted has forgotten you. For others, maybe an uncle or another close relative has forgotten you. All of this might make you feel deeply worried and lonely. But today, God brings you good news!

All those you think have forgotten you can only help you to a certain extent because they have their own burdens and responsibilities. But God says, “I will not forget you. You will not be forgotten by Me.” God keeps you always in His remembrance. He looks at you with love, just as He looked at Ephraim and said, “Ephraim, how shall I forget you?” Today, He says to you, “My son, My daughter, how shall I forget you? How can I forsake you?” God is not one who forgets or forsakes you. He has carved you in the palm of His hands. He hasn’t forgotten your prayers. He remembers every prayer request you have brought before Him, and He is already working on them.

God says, “Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.” He remembers all the prayer requests you’ve laid at His feet, and He will answer them. The tender you are waiting for will come. The approval you need will come. The appointment order you’ve been expecting will surely arrive. The promotion you are hoping for will be granted. God will make it happen for you. Let me share a testimony with you: Christina from Melpattamvakkam wrote that her daughter’s marriage had been delayed for a long time. Despite searching, they couldn’t find a suitable partner. Finally, they came to the Prayer Tower at Okkiyam Thuraipakkam on April 18th, 2024, where the prayer warriors prayed with a prophetic word. And within two months, on July 12th, God blessed them with a grand wedding and a God-fearing son-in-law who works as a professor in the English Department at Japier University. Isn’t this a wonderful testimony?

If you, too, are struggling with your children’s marriage settlement, don’t worry. God will perform a miracle for you. Every day, many children come to our Chennai headquarters with their sorrows, crying out for help. They come to me for prayer, saying, “Ayah, we have this problem; we have that problem.” And we have many prayer warriors here who cry out to God for those in need. When they come, a prophetic word—what we call a “Mangala Vaarthai” (Auspicious Word)—is given to them, and that word brings blessings into their lives. A while ago, I visited Kanyakumari District for a meeting and went to pray at the house of a poor family. As I walked out, I heard people calling after me, saying, “The preacher of the Mangala Vaarthai is here.” And when I returned from that house, there was a crowd waiting outside, longing for a Mangala Vaarthai for their lives. God helped me to pray for all of them. These are just some of the miraculous moments that happen in life, and I’m happy to share them with my spiritual children. God will bless you. This is your miracle moment.

Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank You for giving us an encouraging and bold word saying, “You shall not be forgotten by Me.” We are grateful to know that You remember our prayer requests and that You don’t forget them. Our problems are not hidden from Your sight. They are known to You, and we believe that You will answer our requests in Your perfect timing. We praise You with all our hearts. Fulfill every need for Your children, Lord. Let Your promises be fulfilled in their lives.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

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