June 30, 2024

God will Do Better For You - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. On this day, June 30th being the last day of this month, it is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you. Take with me from the book of Ezekiel, 36: 11 says : “ I will make you inhabit as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginning”. At all.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, that your wealth to this day is more than anything else. But After ‘that ,you shall be blessed with more prosperity and wealth than what you had at the beginning. It is not man who says this but God says these words. If you look at the blessings that you had before you received this auspicious word, than what you shall have after you have heard the auspicious word, and you receive it and by faith you apply it in your life, and believe and accept it for yourself, then you shall enjoy the good blessing that will be praised by the Lord, Himself. After this you shall receive good blessings. Prosperity and much wealth and riches. In the past children had endured many losses due to famines in the days of reckoning. There may have been hardships, pains, debts. It may have been a period of loss to them. It may have been a period of autumn in their lives.

We are going to begin a new month tomorrow. We commit our ways unto you. Lord as we enter into the new month let all the old situations be changed and may we enjoy a bright and prosperous life. Let Good understanding, good behavior, good knowledge, let them receive all things in abundance. Let them receive many good things in life, such as wealth, prosperity, name and fame, and having prayed may they enter into the new month. May the new month bring prosperity, name and fame. Saying this let them enter into the new month then, the Lord will do great things in life.

Commit your ways and that of your children to the Lord, because we are going to begin a new month tomorrow. Tell the Lord, “I am going to enter into the new month, remove all the old ways of life and rejuvenate in us newness of life. Let us receive many good things in life, such as wealth, prosperity, name and fame, and having prayed you should enter into the new month. God will do great things for you in your life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord, you have said that the prosperity of your children will be better for them than what they had in the beginning. Their future will be better than their past. I pray and bless all the children to live well with all blessings. Lord may they receive all that they had lost in their life. Whatever they had lost in life. Their name, fame, wealth and riches, property , health and whatever it may be. Because You came into the world to redeem all that we have lost in life. May the birth of the new month be a month in which your children will receive or inherit better things in life than what they had in the past. May they receive prosperity. wealth and riches, more than their beginning.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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