October 5, 2024

God Will Establish You - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Take and read with me from the book of Job 22:28: You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, if God has decreed something for a certain person—if He has decided to do something—then it will surely happen as He has said. When God decrees something on your behalf, no one can change it. It will surely happen. Though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come and will not delay. What God has decreed for you will come to pass.

My dear children of God, you might be saying, “My husband, who was decreed by God for me, has gone away.” He may be gone, but he will return. No one can change what God has decreed. Satan may have taken all efforts to pull him away, but we are going to pray that your husband, your wife, your children, your grandchildren, your son-in-law, or your daughter-in-law—who have been held captive by Satan—will be redeemed. God will break Satan’s hold and his kingdom. He will redeem those who have been trapped, and God will fulfill the decree He has passed over them. He will bring them out as if one were taking someone out of a cage and setting them free.

You might have pleaded with them to come out, but they didn’t. Now God is bringing them out and will hand them over to you. God is speaking to you prophetically. You are deeply hurt because your loved ones have been taken away. You may have pleaded for the return of your child, but they refused to give them back. Therefore, God will bring them back to you. When He does, the Word of God says, “Like birds hovering over its young, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; He will shield it and deliver it, He will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.” You must believe this word.

Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. Believe that God will do good for you. God will fulfill the decree He has passed over you. Believe that God has decreed to bless you with the fruit of the womb, and no one can stop His plan. If God has decreed something over you, He will surely bring it to pass. It may take some time, as there may be a delay in executing His plan, but it is often to teach us valuable lessons. So, do not worry because of the delay.

Today, you need to ask the Lord, “What You have decreed for me, Lord, please give it to me.” You should not take what belongs to someone else. If what God has decreed for you, such as your husband, your child, or anything that belongs to you, has been taken away or snatched by someone else, God will not allow it to remain with them. He will bring them back to you. If someone has taken your property, God will meet them tonight, and He will return what is rightfully yours. He will make it your own again. God will make your name great. God will break all the barriers that have trapped you—whether it is sorcery, witchcraft, divination, or any other bondage that has obstructed you from receiving the blessing that has been decreed for you. Today, God will break all the plans of those who have blocked your blessings, and He will bring them back to you. So, remain in faith.

Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray and bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. Lord, whatever You have decreed, whatever is still pending, whatever has been blocked from happening, and whatever is in the grip of Satan, I pray that You will release it in the name of Jesus. Lord, it is said that whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. Thank You for issuing the order for release. We thank You for reuniting families who have been separated. We thank You for restoring their wealth. We thank You for helping them rejoin their jobs. We thank You for showing favor in the eyes of man. We thank You for healing broken families and bringing them back together. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

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