February 21, 2020

God’s goodness - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of  Exodus 33:19, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the Lord before you, and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.”

From the above context we learn that Moses is very earnest with God.. Moses pleads to God to go before them, and he said, to God Jehovah, “If your presence does not go with us do not, bring us up, from here. ” Moses understands   that only if God goes before them, it confirms that His people have found grace in God’s sight, and they are a separate nation from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth.” Moses also asked God to reveal His glory as an indication, that God was present with them. Then God speaks the above words to Moses assuring that   He, Himself will make all His goodness pass before them. And He will be gracious and compassionate to His people. He was a God who did justice to His people by going before them in the form of thick clouds to guide them on their way, in the daytime and a pillar of fire to give them light during the night time.

Our God is not only a God of Compassion but also a God of Justice.  He rewards those who seek him diligently. Our Lord intercedes on our behalf to God the Father, to save us from all our problems and tribulations. He is a God of all comfort. He comforts those in agony and in tears. He delivers them from their captivity. Many are entangled in the captivity of sickness, disease, debts, financial crisis, loss in business, unemployment, failure in marriage, and many such problems. At times your own people cause unbearable troubles   and ruin your lives. But God of compassion readily waits to save you from such people. He directly makes known to you the schemes and plans with which they visit your homes.

When God of compassion rises up and begins to operate on your behalf then the glory of God will descend upon you in a marvellous manner to do justice for you and your family.  He will dispel all darkness from your life and cause you to shine in the future. God is waiting to emerge powerfully to speedily act for your good cause whenever you are trapped by evil forces. He is compassionately   watching over you to assist   you    in your affliction. He watches over your children, their education that has been blocked for various reasons,   your  family  relationship  that  has been broken,    your profession that is dwindling, your health,  which is wanting  immediate remedy , your ministry  that  has not been successful, and many such things regarding your life. What will God do when He rises up?  God of compassion rises up to do justice for you.

Through this message I wish to share how God intervened in the life of a brother to do justice for him.  This brother has been working in Dubai for more than   fifteen years. He sent me an email asking me to pray for his deliverance. He was trapped in huge debts. He had credit card debts, bank loans and private loans  and   many other debts. He was unable to recover from these debts. So for security sake the court had seized his passport, and did not allow him to go anywhere out of the country.  The Police officials had filed several cases against him. So he was caught up in a place from where he was not able to visit his native home in South India. He couldn’t attend any good function or ceremonies.   He struggled in this manner for three years.  Even if he went to the airport to escape he was caught by the police officers, He was filled with remorse and regrets. He couldn’t share his problem with anyone. He had faith in God. He had written in the mail that only the God of compassion can deliver him from this situation.  I was impressed by his email which referred to the God of Compassion.  That brother had written that if God of compassion would have compassion on him and   release his passport and deliver him from this horrible situation he will remain grateful to God all the days of His life.

I prayed for him fervently and sent a mail in reply,   asking  him   to “ Commit   his   ways  unto  the Lord,  trust  also in  Him, and  He shall bring it to pass.”  He faithfully held on to this simple word of God and kept praying over his problem.  It so happened that   after a week he received a call from the court in  Sharjah, asking him to come in person, pay a small fine and get back his passport. The police officials had nullified all his cases, and knowing that he was unable to pay back the dues they exempted him from heavy payment and also  he  was reinstated in the job. What   a miracle ! Halleluiah. God had done justice to this brother who was caught up in great tribulation. My dearly beloved, God will do justice for you also if you trust in Him and commit your ways unto the Lord. God bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You for being compassionate to us. For doing justice to us and our children.  Lord   help us to put our trust completely in you. Teach us to exercise faith in God and do His will.

In Jesus name we pray.



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