October 25, 2023
My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, October 25th, through this daily Auspicious Message.
Let us read 1 Corinthians 13:10, “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” Many of you are complaining that you don’t have this or that. You are running your life with many drawbacks. Everyone expects perfection; no one likes imperfection. It is a very good thing. So, when perfection comes, imperfection vanishes. Just imagine you have a little milk in a vessel, and when you look at the vessel, you will think, “What is this? There is only a little milk.” We will think it is very little. For it to be complete, the vessel should be filled with milk. Only then there will be completion. When you have only a minimum balance in your bank account, if someone asks how much you have in your bank account, You would say there is only a little in the bank account. Only when you fill out the account will there be a completion. Then they will say I have enough. Perfection is necessary. Beloved children of God, our minds are responsible for our sense of fulfillment. If an ordinary person receives 10,000 rupees from someone, it is a big thing for him. Because he is running his life in the range of 50/- or 100/- within 1000/-. Suddenly, when he gets 10000/- his heart will be filled with a huge amount. Today God gave me a complete blessing. But if the same 10,000/- was given to a millionaire, he will not feel fulfilled as he deals with millions. If the 10,000/- were given to a person handling lakhs regularly, he would not feel fulfilled. The sense of fulfillment relates to the mind. Today accept whatever the Lord gives with contentment. Learn to be content with what you have. Receive that contentment from the Lord. The Lord says, “But when that which is perfect has come. Do you know what is referred to as ‘perfect’ here, it is the ‘Perfect God.’ Some will say this house is a blessed house which means this house is a content house. I often bless others by saying, “I wholeheartedly bless my children.” That is a good word. Even if you don’t bless others monetarily if you bless them wholeheartedly the perfect God will come in your midst. Even now as an ambassador of God, I bless you wholeheartedly. Now the ‘Perfect God’ has come into you. He has come to bless you. Even if you cannot help anyone monetarily kindly do not curse them. Bless wholeheartedly. Lord let this child be blessed. May that little brother be blessed. Today he is unwell, please make him active again. Please give him the eyesight. What is the difficulty in blessing someone who is having a need? The word with which you bless them God will fulfil in their lives.
Beloved children of God, our God is perfect. When this perfect God comes into your life, every imperfection will vanish. The Bible says those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. What does this mean? God is a perfect God, when you seek Him, every imperfection will be perfect. Henceforth carry that Perfect God daily in your hearts and go, God will perfect every imperfection. All your imperfections will be made perfect in Christ. Declare it, “My imperfections will be made perfect in Christ.” God will grant you a fulfilled life. Instead of lamenting, be content with the husband that the Lord gave you. Content over the wife God has given you. Content over the parents God has given you.
Once a mother came to me with tears about her son. He said, “Instead of being born in your womb, I should have been born in my friend’s mother’s womb.” He said his friend’s name and his friend’s mother’s name. Imagine how the mother must have felt. He was not content with his mother. A mother gives her best for her children. In her capacity, my mother has done her best. In his capacity, my father has done his best. Only when you think like this God will bless you and make all your imperfections perfect.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Perfect God, come and do a miracle for my children, who are imperfect. Those who have imperfect health, may the perfect Holy Spirit descend and make perfect the imperfect organs in their body. Any loss of eyesight may be removed, and may they receive perfect eyesight. If their heart rate is very low, perfect God come and perform a miracle and make their hearts brand new. For those who have low income, perfect God perform a miracle and lift your children. If they lack anointing, may it be perfected. If anyone lacks wisdom, let them ask God, who gives generously. Perfect God come into each one of their homes and make all their imperfections perfect. In Jesus Name. Amen.