February 27, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Bible says in Psalm 119:50, “For Your word has given me life”
The Bible is filled with God’s promises and assurances, giving life to people. It can revive a dead conscience, restore dead organs in the body, and even bring life to dry bones. This is evident from the days of the Prophet Ezekiel when God took him in a vision to a vast graveyard in a large valley and showed him dry bones scattered all around. There, God commanded him to stand and speak to the dry bones so that life would return to them. As Ezekiel spoke the word, the dry bones were covered with flesh and skin, and a great army stood before him. This is how the Word gives life.
Today, if you are reading this promise message and either you or your family member has an organ in a dead condition—perhaps doctors have confirmed it, a kidney may have failed and requires dialysis, cancer may have reached its final stage with no hope of survival, or there may be a 99% blockage in the heart with no way to escape—perhaps a brain stroke due to a blood clot has left doctors hopeless about you or your loved one. But God says, “My Word will give you life.” That is what the Psalmist declares: “Your promises have made me hope in You.” This means you must have faith that His Word will bring life to you. Whenever people come to me for prayer, I give them a Word from the Bible, and indeed, it is that Word that brings life and healing.
Once, during the Anbarin Paathathil meeting, an elderly man suffering from a severe illness was brought to me for prayer. He could only take food and water through a feeding tube, and his family expected his death at any moment, according to the doctors. His family members told me that he would often beat his chest and weep in distress. As I was about to pray, the Word of God came to me for him, and I said, “Son, your heart is crying out, ‘God, I want to see my youngest daughter’s wedding before You take me.’” When he heard these words, he broke down in tears, and God heard his cry. The Lord then said, “Your dead intestine and other corroded parts due to cancer are being made new.” As soon as he received this Word, I saw new strength fill him, and he showed clear signs of relief. The Word of God brought new life to him, and even today, the Lord is keeping him alive.
God’s Word brings life and healing. Many times, I hear testimonies from people saying, “I had suicidal thoughts last night, but when I heard the Auspicious Word program on TV, I found hope to live.” That is what it means when we say the Word brings life. Today, you may be in a state of physical, spiritual, or emotional death, but the Lord is breathing life into you and making you live again.
Loving Lord, we thank You. According to Your promised Word today, let Your children experience new life through Your Word. Let their dead faith begin to sprout, let their sinful souls be transformed into a new, holy life, let dead organs be restored, and let broken relationships be revived. Thank You for Your miraculous hand performing mighty wonders. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.