June 21, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Psalms 90:15, “Make us glad according to the days, in which you have afflicted us. The years in which we have seen evil.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we learn that Prophet Moses makes a prayer to the Lord regarding the people of Israel. He remembers the pain and agony the people of Israel endured during the days, in Egypt for nearly 430 years under the hands of the cruel taskmasters. Later he recollects the trudging of the Israelites through the wilderness for forty long years. So he pleads with the Lord saying “ Oh! Satisfy us early with your mercy. That we may rejoice and be glad all our days. “Moses cries out to God in the wilderness asking God to gladden the hearts of the people of Israel, according to the days they had seen evil or the days wherein they have been afflicted.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the days of affliction are times of sorrow, and days of prosperity make us glad and joyful. Moses therefore pleads with God to let the people of Israel see better days in life according to the days wherein they have been afflicted. He expected that God should bless them in equal proportion. Both Prosperity and adversity are had in turns and they work together for good to them that love the Lord. Afflictions are evils that one experiences in the form of punishment. So he says, “O Lord thou hast made us sad therefore be pleased to make us glad.” The prayer may be childlike. But full of meaning. Great trials enables us to bear great joy. And may be regarded as the herald of extraordinary grace. Where there are higher hills there are deep valleys. If we have fierce afflictions we may look for overflowing delights. God who is great in justice when he chastens will not be little in mercy when he blesses, he will be great all through. So let us appeal to Him with unstaggering faith.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, you may have been working very sincerely in your office, but suddenly for no reason you have been transferred to a different location. So you are saying, “Lord I have been so good and sincere in my work , why then should I be transferred. ?” As a result you are shedding tears thinking about the unpleasant happenings. But God says, Nothing has happened in your life without the plan of God. Whatever has happened in your life is for your good. In order to avoid being blamed falsely by the authority or co workers God has allowed this transfer, from your current location for a good reason.
My Dear Brothers Sisters, Therefore rejoice in the Lord and thank Him for what He is doing in your life because good things will happen shortly. And then you will realize that the transfer was for your good. God says, surely there is a hereafter and your hope will not be cut off. You shall not see evil anymore. Therefore rejoice and be glad in the Lord. God is about to do great things in your life. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. We thank you for letting us know that both prosperity and adversity are had in turns. Help us to accept these two phase of life wisely and enable us to overcome them through the strength of God. Teach us to count it all joy when we go through trials. May we realize that great trials lead us to great joy. Make us realize that nothing happens without your knowledge. Help us see good days in life.
In Jesus name we pray.