April 19, 2023
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Psalms 23:4, “For You are with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, David in this psalm considers God as His shepherd. A shepherd usually has a rod and a staff to lead his sheep. So David confesses His faith before the Lord saying, Lord I know that You are there with me all the days of my life. And hence Your rod and your staff they will comfort Me.This psalm is a psalm of great blessing. David says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.” Even little children will be taught to repeat this Psalm by heart. I remember in my childhood days, how I had to say this Psalm in the Sunday school as a little child, and how children would be taught this Psalm in the church also by the Elders. Psalm that parents would like to teach their children, would be this Psalm. 23, And this Psalm will be a great blessing to the children. The most important lines in this psalm are as follows. “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” When is God with you? When you are walking through the darkest valley of death, and His rod and his staff will comfort you. They will encourage you, and strengthen you and even comfort you, from the grip of death. They will cause you to wake up from your dying state and revive your body soul and spirit.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, His rod and His staff, will deliver you from your trouble. When a person is under depression and fails in his life , people will comment saying , “Well that is all, No one can save him.” But it is God who comforts him in his depressed state. Therefore when one goes through the darkest valley of death, he is almost broken. His heart, and mind, will automatically be so troubled and distressed. He would not know when he would come out of depression and when he will be able to lead a normal life like others. He will actually want someone to come and comfort him in that situation. So the Lord tells him that his staff and rod will comfort him and even God’s word will console him while He goes through struggles. God says, “Surely you shall come out of this depressed state of life.’’In case you too are going through the valley of death, in your life because of your severe problems, like the incurable disease and you are afflicted by the pain and agony, you are under the verge of death, may be due to cancer or any other serious illness is slowly dragging you to death, or some kind of virus or germs is slowly eating away your organs, in the body then be sure that God’s staff and His rod, along with His word will surely rescue you, from destruction. You will be safe and secure in your life.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. I pray that today you will redeem the children who are struggling in their lives and are at the verge of death, that you will extend their life and help them to see good days in their life. Let your Rod and Your Staff comfort them and cause them to be revived from their pain and sickness and let them live. We thank You Lord for reviving them from their death bed and granting them life. Let the Rod which represents your verse, and the Staff which is the word of God, revive the children. David says, in one of his psalms “Lord, If it is not for your word then I would have perished long ago. Your Word has been my comfort in my affliction.” Lord comfort them with your word, and heal them and revive them from their dreadful situation, and just as you said that “ I will heal them in order to comfort them.” Heal them and restore them from destruction and bless them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.