December 19, 2019


My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Isaiah 53:3, “ He is despised and rejected by men. A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, And we hid as it were, our faces from Him. He was despised and we did not esteem Him.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we come to understand that the Lord Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross for you and me. He was rejected and despised by mankind. He was rejected that you should not be rejected and despised by others. The Lord is   speaking prophetically to you through this message that whoever has rejected and despised you and has therefore caused misery and anguish in your life, and have pained your heart, then God will bring them back to you and surrender to you.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It may be your debtors, who lent money to you, your own relatives,  or any   other person. Whoever it may be they will one day, repent of their wrong   doings, and come back to you. God will change their minds and help them come back to you. That is why Jesus hung on the cross rejected and despised for you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Your own husband or your own wife might have despised you. They may not be listening to what you have to say. The wife complaints   that her husband has despised her. And the husband says that his wife has despised him. All this occurs in the family because there is no true love between them. One hates the other. This is the state of many families. But Christ hung on the cross for you and me, just to bring peace and harmony between husbands and wives in the families. God is good all the time. He is watching your tears. God is soon going to bring about a change in the life of your husband, or your wife. May be soon after your reading/you read, the message, you will see a change in their life.

Similarly if you happen to be a boss, of a company or doing business, kindly don’t mistreat your workers, employees, working under you. Never despise or reject them, for they too have same feelings like you. Mother in laws, never mistreat your daughter in laws. Treat them like your own daughters then God will do wonders in your life. He will be pleased with you. May God help you to esteem others better than yourselves.  Remember that God was a “Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief just because he wanted you to enjoy the fullness of your life. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for opening our eyes to the truth, that You hung on the cross rejected and despised in order to save mankind. Lord help us to love and respect one another’s feelings and never to reject or despise anybody. May we learn to live in harmony and in peace. 

 In Jesus name we pray.


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