March 15, 2020
I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Psalms 10:12, 14 , “Arise O Lord, O God, lift up Your hand. Do not forget the humble. But You have seen, For you observe trouble and grief. To repay it by your hand. The helpless commits himself to You.”
From the above context we learn that the Psalmist calls upon God to arise and take vengeance against all those who came against him. He calls on God to remember those who were oppressed and wronged, by the wicked. He wants God to rescue the afflicted from their troubles. Though the humble may seem to be forgotten by God, they are not. They are precious in his sight. He dwells among them. He comforts them, when disconsolate; He feeds them when they are hungry. He teaches and guides them when they want direction. He does not forget the humble, poor and needy. We often wonder as to who then considers those who are rejected, who sigh because of their agony? It is none other than God who loves and cares for the poor. He lifts the poor out of their distress. He pours His love upon them immeasurably for He is the anchor of their hope. He says, “I am the father to the fatherless.”God stands as a Father to such kind of children and grants special grace for them.
Today you may lack in certain things. Do not be anxious. Just commit yourself unto the Lord. For the Bible says, “The helpless commit themselves to You and then You come down to deliver them. For, You observe their trouble and grief, and You are the helper of the Fatherless”. Surrender your life to God. Submit your children whose future is ruined. Submit such children in the mighty hands of the Lord. For He alone is our helper. He alone can help you and your children in times of distress and trouble. Heleluyah!
God, the Helper has come down, as the Holy Spirit to help each one of you, in whatever area, you are in need of. What happens when He begins to help you? He rescues you from the hands of the wicked.
Certain families go through a breach in the family because of misunderstanding. They live together for several years yet the pity is, they do not understand each other or they fail to understand one another. Parents don’t understand their children and children never make an effort to understand their parents. Today God is intervening into such families to repair the breach and rebuild their family. For the Lord says. I will set My eyes on them for good. I will build them and not pull them down. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank You because You have set Your eyes on Your children who consider You as the anchor of their hope. Lord teach us to submit ourselves and our children at your feet. Create a peaceful atmosphere both in our work place and in our family. Deliver us from the hands of evil people. Cause Your face to shine upon us. We put our trust in You. Never put us to shame.
In Jesus name we pray.