October 10, 2024

Renew your strength - Bro. T. Stephen

Wait On The Lord. Wait On The Lord, and God will renew your strength.”
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. May the Lord bless you. Let’s read from the book of Isaiah 40:31, which says, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.”

My dear brothers and sisters, those who wait on the Lord will receive new strength. Today, you will receive new strength, new anointing, new power, new gifts, and new grace from God, as His grace is new every morning. This morning, you are receiving new grace and new strength. For all that you have been longing for and were disappointed about, God is going to do a new miracle for you. For those who wait on the Lord will receive new strength.
Many of you have been waiting for a house of your own for years. You have waited for a long time, and hope deferred has made your heart sick. But God will give you the house you’ve been longing for. He will give you the job you’ve been seeking, the life partner you’ve been waiting for, and bless your family life. If you have been longing for the gift of a child, the Lord is going to bless you with a child. God is giving you the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit that you’ve been praying for.

Today, you are entering a new chapter of your life, and all the old things are disappearing. For those of you who are in depression, God is giving you new strength so you can once again run and walk with enthusiasm. God will help you achieve great things in your life. If you are in depression, come out of your homes because God is touching you today. Whatever has caused your depression, God is going to perform a miracle, and something good will happen to you. You will make a list of all that God has done for you. God says He will stretch out His helping hand today. Even if you have struggled with God over a particular matter, whatever hasn’t happened for you yet, God will make it happen. He will establish you.

If you think you have been ruined, God says He will establish you. Depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts will change. Even your very tongue, which may have spoken bad or immoral words, will be transformed. In the future, your tongue will speak in tongues and spiritual words. God will open new ways for you to praise Him. You are all expecting new ways, and God will surely open them. He will lead you into your new home and bless you. He will perform miracles for those who wait, and they will receive new strength.
A sister once met me and said, “Brother, it has been 24 years since I got married. The doctors said I have grown too old to conceive and that it’s no longer possible.” She had passed the age of childbearing, and she came to the Anbarin Padathil Oru Naal meeting in tears, telling me how much she longed for a child. This word touched me, and how much more would it touch God? My dear child of God, the word that God gave to her was, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12). The Lord also said in Psalm 17:14 that He would pour His heavenly liquid into her womb, and she would be satisfied with children. She held on to this word every day and prayed. All the doctors were surprised because, even though she had passed the age of childbearing, she conceived naturally the very next month and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. God helped her, and He will help you too. This verse says that for those who wait on the Lord, He will give them new strength. A man waited for 38 years at the pool of Bethesda, and God gave him new strength, allowing him to walk home. So wait patiently, for the Lord will perform miracles.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of Jesus. As You have given us this verse, may the children be blessed with new life, new strength, new anointing, new power, a new change of mindset, and new income. Grant them all the blessings they have longed for over the years. Especially, let all closed wombs be opened. Lord, for those children who have been separated from their spouses and have been longing for many years, I pray that You will bring their husbands back to them and reunite their families. Let them begin a fresh new life.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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