October 3, 2024

Salvation Comes to You - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified! Receive today’s auspicious word as a blessing to you. Practice it in your daily life throughout this year, and God will do great things in your life. Let us read together from the book of Luke 19:9: “And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house.'”

My dear brothers and sisters, today salvation has come to your house. Redemption from your sins, redemption from curses, redemption from disease, redemption from debts, and redemption from shame. Redemption from everything! Our God appeared on earth to redeem us—not only from sin, but also from wickedness, debts, disease, death, loss, shame, humiliation, and failures. This vimochanam is known as redemption.

Firstly, if there are children in your home who are not saved, living in the ways of this world—drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking drugs, engaging in foolish behavior, getting into unnecessary worldly distractions, causing trouble, or fighting—perhaps even their parents say, “Why did we give birth to him?” If such children are in your home, know that God is meeting them today and redeeming them. This means salvation comes to your house today, and all your children will be saved. God is meeting your young daughter, who is living in her own world. God is meeting your wife, who is disobedient and talkative. God is meeting your grandchildren. Firstly, salvation is for all members of your family.

When salvation entered the house of Zacchaeus, he realized the wrong he had done, confessed it to the Lord, and received salvation. He also made amends. In the same way, Jesus, who went into Zacchaeus’ house to give him salvation, is coming into your house today. There is going to be redemption from your debts, disease, and shame—redemption from everything. God has chosen this day to crown you with all good things.

I want to share a good testimony from Sister Beryl Anusuya of Tuticorin. She wrote, “Brother, my entire body was suffering from severe irritation and pain in my hands and legs. I took many treatments, but nothing worked. My whole body was burning, and the pain was unbearable.” Imagine how much it would burn if chili powder were put into someone’s eyes. But her entire body felt like it was burning. In this situation, she came to the Prayer Tower, seeking the presence of the Lord. The children of God prayed for her and spoke the auspicious word. As soon as the word entered her body, the burning sensation disappeared. She received divine healing and said, “I am very happy. I received great deliverance.” They have written this testimony. So, if you are experiencing burning sensations, irritation, pain, or distress in your life, and you think there is no redemption for you, know that the Lord is coming to your house today to touch and heal you. Just as Sister Beryl came to the Prayer Tower where the Lord resides, and we prayed for her, the Lord performed a miracle for her.

Today, the Lord is coming to your house. If you or anyone in your family is suffering from such troubles, bring them to our Prayer Towers. We have Prayer Towers in Mumbai, Nagercoil, Coimbatore, and Chennai. Go to the nearest one, offer a small prayer, and come. God will surely perform a miracle for you. Not only will the prayer warriors pray for you, but you should also pray for yourself. We will support you in prayer. When problems come into people’s lives, they may feel too weak or weary to pray. But if you begin to pray, the Lord will intercede on your behalf and do great things for you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Let salvation come into their house. Let redemption come into their sinful lives and release them from all curses. Secondly, Lord, redeem them from the debts in which they have been entangled. Thirdly, redeem them from the shame that has surrounded them. Fourthly, redeem them from the bondage of sickness and disease that has affected their bodies. Lord, give them redemption, bless them with the strength of a wild ox, and may they serve and work with good health and strength. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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