November 26, 2019

SPRING UP - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that God has given for you today   is  from the book of  Isaiah 44:4, “They will spring up among the grass, Like willows by the watercourses.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters ,from the above context  we learn that, Israel is called Jeshuran, because of God’s mercy. Jeshurun means the upright one.    God owns all those who serve Him in truth and in spirit. He will help them over their difficulties and in their services. Water is the emblem of the Holy spirit. As water refreshes, cleanses and makes the earth fruitful, so does the Holy Spirit influence the soul.  This gift of the Holy Ghost  is a great blessing.

Willows grow on the banks of streams. Willows grow rapidly and luxuriantly.  It denotes –abundance, increase ,  vigour, and beauty.  Such plants grow like trees, planted by the water course and in well watered fields. They grow and flourish.  They never grow dry.  similarly   the  children  of   God   are expected to grow in virtue, hope,  piety  and  zeal. The Bible says,  and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season.   His leaf shall not weather, and whatever he does   will  prosper. They will    be a blessing to many.

My   Dear  Brothers  and  Sisters, To those who fear and walk according to the precepts, of God, the Lord will  pour  his blessings.  And one of the richest   blessing   which can be imparted to his people, is that God’s spirit, should descend, on their children. The spirit of God alone is  the source of true happiness  and prosperity to our children. All other things like property, learning, accomplishment, beauty and vigour will   be vain. Only  by his blessings and by the influence of piety that the righteous, will   spring forth as among the grass, and like willows by the streams of water. The weeping willows  of Babylon grows to be a large tree. Its branches are long, slender and pendulous. Usually planted by the banks of the rivers, ponds, and over springs. Their leaves are long and narrow. When dew falls over the willows they make a lugubrious appearance. This plant is often sought for ornamental purpose.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God will establish these blessings in your lives also. Many parents    are   crying   over their children as they have fallen back in their character. May be their spiritual activities have  changed.  Today  God   wants to fill them with the Holy Spirit, and  wants to draw them back to his fold. God is willing to fill your children with His divine wisdom and Knowledge. The Bible says, God filled Bezalel with the spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship. Likewise God wants to fill them with spiritual knowledge and infuse in their  minds  the desire to flourish and prosper for God and His glory.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,  Today God is willing to bless you with these gifts, especially to those who fear Him. Therefore submit yourselves to God with fear. Bring an end to the days, when you made decisions on your own. Make  God your guide and ask Him to help you to be faithful and honest. Try to  do good to others, speak words of faith and blessing. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our   loving   heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord pour Your spirit upon Your children. Give them the discernment to acknowledge You  as  the  Lord and Master of   their   life. Help them to be like the willows that grow by the streams   and be  an ornament worthy of praise. Let them acquire good  nature like virtue, piety and be zealous for God.

In Jesus name we pray.


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