November 23, 2019

The God of Israel - Bro. T. Stephen

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that   God   has   given   for you today is from the book of Psalms 121:4, “ Behold He who keeps Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers.”

My dear brothers and Sisters, from the above context we understand, that the Lord is our keeper. And He never sleeps, “He that keeps Israel’’ also refers to Jacob, who slept at Bethel and to whom the promise of God took this form, and said. “ Behold I am with you, and will keep you in all the places wherever you go.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, A man sleeps, a watchman may sleep due to weariness. A pilot too may slumber at the helm; even a mother may fall asleep by the side of her sick child. But God is never exhausted. Is never weary, is never inattentive. He never closes His eyes, on the condition, of his people and on the wants of the world. He that keeps Israel is your keeper. The Shepherd of the flock is the shepherd of every sheep. And He will take care that none of the little ones shall perish. God will never allow your house to suffer by any silent intruder. He is ever on the watch. And speedily perceives every intruder.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, we read in the Bible that Jacob (Israel) fell asleep. But His God was awake. Jacob had neither walls, nor curtains, nor body guards around him, but the Lord was in that place though Jacob knew it not. God keeps us as a rich man keeps his treasures, as a captain keeps a city with a garrison, as a royal, guard keeps his monarchs head.

My dear brothers and Sisters, Abraham took his wife Sarah and travelled to Shechem in Canaan. Sarah was beautiful to look at.  Since he was afraid of the king, he told him that she was his sister so Abimelech king of Shechem,  carried away Sarah the wife of Abraham. Abraham   did not know what to do. He was scared and helpless. He feared as to what would become of his wife Sarah. Abraham spent that night in tears. God who was watching Abraham said to him, “Don’t be afraid, behold I am with You.”God Himself dealt with the problem. He intervened on behalf of Abraham who was his friend, and warned Abimelech in a dream not to touch Sarah the wife of Abraham. So King Abimelech did not touch   Sarah.  What a good God we have!

My dear Brothers and Sisters, Often God, deals silently and secretly with our problems and rescues us from our enemies. Hence we need to realize that we are living peacefully and safely in this world, because God is fighting for us each day of our lives from the plans of the evil one. He sends his Angels to attend on us, guard us and protect us.  May the Lord help you to rely on Him for all your needs. Commit your ways unto the Lord, trust also on Him and He shall direct your steps. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.   Lord we thank you for your hand of protection.   You deal secretly with all our problems and help us to live freely and peacefully.  Teach us to depend on you completely. May we cast all our cares upon You.  Thank You Lord for, You keep a watch over us and never sleep. Father help us to be wise and very cautious in this world.

 In Jesus name we pray.


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