March 16, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Exodus 14:14, “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
From morning to night, how many battles do you face in your lives? These battles may arise in your family life, workplace, church, marketplaces, etc. A battle does not always mean standing in war with a sword or weapon. In many families, a cold war-like situation exists between husbands and wives, parents and children. Some battles remain unresolved due to misunderstandings. Today, the Lord is giving you a promise: He will fight for you, and you don’t need to fight anymore. As a child of God, you should not engage in conflicts with those who speak or act evil against you. Leave it to the Lord—He will fight on your behalf. Do not indulge in arguments, but instead, be tolerant and demonstrate the difference between yourself and others as a child of God.
You should not develop an attitude of enmity with anyone in your workplace, ministry, school, college, or business. Strive to live in peace with others, for peace brings great blessings into your life. Today, we see people fighting everywhere due to pride and stubbornness, leading to enmity and even destruction in some lives. The days are evil, so be wise and remain at peace with one another. If you must engage in a battle, let it be a battle for peace, and the Lord will fight for you.
What battles are you facing today? Submit them to the Lord and trust in Him. God will determine whether to fight for you or to nullify the situation completely. Those who plot against you to fight and destroy you—the Lord is breaking their plans. The Lord is saying to you today: “Do not go and get stuck in trouble. Be at peace; I will take care of it.”
Testimony from Sister Navamani, Coimbatore
“For ten years, a man ran a business in our shop. When we asked him to vacate, he refused, even though we explained that we needed the shop. Eventually, he passed away, but his son continued to occupy the shop and caused us trouble. He insisted that he would stay for another two years before vacating. At that point, I wrote a letter to Brother Stephen requesting prayer. He prayed and replied, saying, ‘The Lord will speak into the heart of the person who has rented the shop. He will come to you in peace, vacate the shop, and return the keys.’ What a surprise! Just as mentioned in the letter, it happened exactly as promised. The Lord fought this battle for me, and I give thanks to Him.”
In the same manner, if today you are planning to engage in an evil scheme, fight, or create trouble, do not enter into it but surrender it at the feet of Jesus and pray. The Lord will do great things for you.
Loving Lord, we thank You. I pray for those who are in tears, saying, “They have seized what belongs to us and are purposely arguing with us.” Lord, please hear their prayers and settle these matters smoothly, without any trouble. I also pray for those who are continuously irritated and troubled by prideful people. Lord, fight for them and grant them victory. Please put an end to long-lasting court cases and conflicts in their lives, and may they live in peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.