March 12, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Exodus 15:26 , “ I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians, For I am the LORD who heals you.”
Today, the Lord speaks through this promise verse: “For I am the LORD who heals you.” He is the healer of your sickness, debt, and failures. The Lord assures us that He will not allow any of the diseases that He brought upon the Egyptians to come upon you or your family. Indeed, He will bless your home as you apply the blood of Jesus on your doorposts.
As we meditate on and trust in His word, the angels of the Lord are coming to apply the blood of Jesus to the doorsteps of your home and business. When they apply it, no angel of destruction or deadly disease will come near you. The Lord is building a hedge of protection around you. One thing you must do is just believe and say to the Lord: “It is not by our might, strength, talent, or hard work, but by You, O Lord, that we live and survive. I trust You; please redeem and protect me and my family.”
Not just today, but every day, you must pray and surrender yourself and your family to the Lord so that you may live in His protection. As today’s verse declares, the Lord is the one who heals you and your children. He will protect you from sickness and deadly diseases. No matter what illness you may be affected by—whether it is cancer, lung disease, or liver damage—do not be disheartened, for the Lord has promised: “I am the Lord, your Healer.” Say Amen in faith, for if you believe, you will see the glory of God.
Testimony from Sister Kalyani Parmeshwar, Hyderabad
“My husband suffered a stroke and was in a terrible condition. My brother and his wife told me about God’s Love Ministries and gave me the contact number. I reached out to the God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre and requested prayers. The prayer warrior earnestly prayed for me, and by the grace of God, my husband’s condition changed—he was healed. And even once my brother’s kidneys were severely affected, and he was undergoing dialysis. In this condition, he watched a message shared by Brother Stephen on TV. During the prayer time, Brother Stephen said, “Those whose kidneys are affected, place your hands over them,” and he prayed earnestly. After that prayer, my brother went for another medical examination. The doctor examined him and said, “You no longer need dialysis. Your kidneys are functioning normally.” That was the medical diagnosis he received.”
Did you read and witness Kalyani Parmeshwar’s powerful testimony? What great mercy the Lord has shown for her husband! Her brother, who was undergoing dialysis, watched the TV program, joined in prayer, and the Lord gave him new kidneys. Now, without dialysis, he remains healthy. Even today, as you read this promise message, I invite you to unite in prayer with me. Just as the Lord performed miracles for them, He can do the same for you. Believe, pray, and receive His healing!
Loving Lord, we thank You. You have promised, “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you.” Today, we claim this promise and say Amen. Lord, cancel every power of darkness working against Your children. Break the bonds of sickness and grant them divine deliverance. No matter what deadly disease they are facing, may they receive Your healing today. Let kidney disease, lung disease, heart disease, liver problems, and uterus issues disappear. Heal those suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding. You have said, “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” Lord, set them free! Deliver them from cancer, skin diseases, and every affliction. Hide them under Your protection and do great miracles in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.