March 4, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Psalms 121: 1, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills—From whence comes my help?”
According to this verse, when we lift our eyes to the hills (heaven), we receive help from God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Today, the Lord is promising help to those who are in tears, saying, “I have no one to help me; I am alone.” To you, the heavenly government is ready and waiting to come to your aid.
To receive help from heaven, we must look upon the Lord and pray. In other words, to gain victory over all your problems, you should continuously fix your eyes on the Lord in heaven. If you have not yet received help, it may be because you have not sought heaven’s intervention. Your help will not always come from familiar people or friends—sometimes, they may even betray you. But the God of heaven will never forsake you. Our God gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, whom He loved so much, to save us. So, look to heaven and pray: “Lord, I am standing helpless in this situation. Please help me.” If you call upon Him, God will come down to any level to save and help you.
No matter your situation—whether it’s struggles with your studies, exams, forgetfulness during exams, nervousness in the exam hall, joblessness, an incomplete degree, family problems, or shame—if you pray and seek the Lord’s help, He is ready and waiting to respond to your call. Until now, you may have struggled to pray, perhaps feeling drowsy whenever you try. But today, if you kneel and call upon the Lord in prayer, He will remove all obstacles and make you a prayerful person. Surely, the Lord will help you and bring peace to your family. Remind the Lord of the things that have remained unfulfilled for a long time—today, you will begin to witness His miracles in your life.
Testimony from Sister Sangeetha
“My brother and I wrote our IT exam well, and to succeed, we sent a prayer request to Brother Stephen via email. He prayed for us and replied with Bible verses. Every day, we prayed with those verses. By the grace of God and through Brother Stephen’s prayers, we wrote our exams well. After the results, both of us scored high marks and passed with First Class. Now, the college has selected us for a higher-level examination.” This is what happens when you pray! Begin your prayer life, and you will see progress and victory. The Lord will do great things!
Loving Lord, thank You. I pray for all those reading this promise. May their eyes always look up to heaven, and may a spirit of prayer descend upon them. Today, whatever they are desiring or asking for in Your presence, may Your eyes be open and Your ears attentive to their cries. Let a series of miracles unfold in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.