March 21, 2025
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible says, in the prophetic book of Malachi 4:2, says, “But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.”
The “Sun of Righteousness” is one of the identities of God. It reveals our Lord as a just and righteous judge. On whom does the Sun of Righteousness arise? On those children who fear His name, who live in reverence of their conscience. The Sun of Righteousness will arise upon children who live according to the commandments of the Lord. This means the Lord’s Holy Spirit will come and dwell in them. Our Lord Jesus Christ will reside in them as the Sun of Righteousness and will do justice for them.
Today, for all those who have not received justice and are in tears, the Lord says that receiving justice is simple: submit yourself today to live a life in the fear of the Lord. Live in reverence to your conscience. During these days of meditating on the cross, these Lent days, we should examine ourselves deeply in our spiritual lives and use this time to transform ourselves. If you say, “I have not received justice in the court, in my family, at my workplace,” know that today, to receive justice, you must submit yourself to righteous living. Live in the fear of the Lord and have a heart to walk according to His commandments, and the Lord will surely bring justice to you.
Luke 18:7-8 says, “And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.” Today, if your family case is in court, the Lord is saying He will do justice. Whether it is a property case, an ancestral wealth dispute, a workplace issue, or a legal heir job case, no matter the nature of the case, submit yourself to righteous living, and the Lord will perform a miracle.
Sis. Kiruba Rani from Chittoor shared her testimony: “My daughter had severe stomach pain. Though we went to the hospital, the pain did not reduce, and she continued to suffer. During that time, we contacted the God’s Love Ministries prayer center through telephone. I requested them to pray for my daughter’s healing. The prayer warrior prayed earnestly, and from that moment till now, the stomach pain has not returned. She is completely healed. Not only that, but my neighbor also caused many problems against my family, robbing us of our peace and leaving us in great sorrow. I contacted God’s Love Ministries again and requested prayer for these issues. The Lord heard the prayers offered by the prayer warrior and granted us peace. The Lord, the Sun of Righteousness, did justice in the problems that arose against us. He will do the same for you.”
Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I greet and bless Your children. Transform them into children who live in the fear of the Lord and walk in His ways. Let repentance take place, and may they submit to righteous living. Through this submission, I pray that they receive justice. Wherever they have been denied justice, my Lord, the Righteous Judge, contend and battle for them. Redeem what is rightfully theirs and do justice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.