June 11, 2020

THE VICTORY. - Bro. T. Stephen

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of 2 Corinthians 2:14 “Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ.”
From the above context we come to understand that no one likes to be a failure in life and all aspire to be successful. Everyone wishes to reach the peak of success during the course of their life. Some might achieve, while others remain a loser. To have success one must be thankful to God in all aspects of their life. Both during their ups and downs. Then they will be successful. Whatever it may be, all are running a race. The Bible says, Do you not know that those who run in a race, all run, but one receives the prize.
Many who read this message are worried about your children’ s performance. You are rather scared that your child will fail in his exam. Many are writing their public exams, But God will not allow your children to fail, in their exams, as you have faith in God and pray for their good performance. God is therefore coming down to give them victory. Parents really pray for their children while they write their exams, and then they all forget about it till results are out. God is watching the heartache of you parents and the hard effort applied by your children and is causing them to be victorious. He protects them from losing their score.
I remember sometimes back, there were many teachers who wrote their TET exams but failed because of few marks. And they were worried because they could not secure Government jobs. I prayed saying that God will change even the laws for His children. What a miracle God performed for all those children of God. Our God is one who turns the heart of kings and rulers. Our God keeps His promise. They did get the government jobs. There are many of you who have appeared for postal exams, bank exams, Government exams, and all are in tears waiting for the results. I strongly believe that God will give victory to all God’s children. This is a season of victory. God will change all your failures into victory. The devil is defeated and Jesus remains victorious.
Satan has adopted a new trend among good students. He distracts the attention of the students, and diverts them to engage in sinful activities and they often loiter with their friends and instead of studying hard they lose interest in their studies and finally fail in the exams. Satan takes joy in their failure. He is not interested in the well being of the student. He takes every effort to destroy the future of the student. The intention of the devil is to ruin the life of the student. And as a result the child suffers from depression. There are some parents who are crying over their children who are suffering from mental disorder or autism. I pray in the name of Jesus that God grant them complete deliverance and help them to be of good and perfect mindset.
At times the devil entices them with money and drags them to involve in all kinds of business. It misleads them into sinful ways of life and finally they lose track and fall prey to the devil. Thus they ruin their life. The devil operates in a way that is misleading, by showing lustful things, money and otherworldly pleasures. God is making a new path for your children who have been mislead, , into his glorious mansion, the heaven, by giving his life on the cross and shedding his precious blood for your children and redeeming you for eternal glory. May the Lord help you to realise your folly and correct your ways that are pleasing to God. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you for teaching us the right way of life. Help us not to walk in the ways of the ungodly. Teach us to have good perspective of things around us. May we avoid wrong friendship and take careful steps to have a bright and successful future.
In Jesus name we pray.

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