August 20, 2019
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of 1 Corinthians 3:17 “If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, During the time when Jesus walked on the face of this earth there were many false teachers among the Corinthian church and they taught unholy doctrines. Such teachings led to corrupt, to pollute, and destroy the church. Which should be kept pure and holy for God. By the wisdom of this world, through philosophy, and vain deceit, and by bringing in false doctrine corrupt, their minds, from the simplicity that is in Christ. And thus cause factions and divisions among them. Such people God will destroy as their wicked principles are pernicious to others.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Those who spread wrong doctrines which render the church of God unholy, bring destruction upon themselves. Therefore Christ through the Spirit of God dwells within every true believers. For Christians are holy by profession and should be pure and clean both in heart, and conversation. All false prophets as well as the devil will be thrown into the lake of fire. God is not pleased with those who go after false doctrine and false worship and of everything that is contrary to the gospel. The temple of God is holy, hence the temple of God is to be regarded as sacred as inviolable. And if anyone defiles the temple then they will be destroyed by God.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context we understand that our body is the temple of God. Your body is the temple of God, and God dwells within you. God is holy and therefore cannot dwell in a place that is unclean. For God to dwell within you, you need to be pure and get rid of all your sinful nature. If you dwell in your sinful life, then you will be a blockade for your own blessing. Repent and ask the Lord to cleanse you from all your sinful nature. Keep your body and mind pure only then the Lord will dwell within you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, since you are the temple of God try to be holy, perfect, and righteous in all that you do. Seek good and not evil. Speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine. Older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience, Older women be reverent in behaviour, teachers of good things. God expects you to be hospitable, a lover of what is good, just, holy and self controlled. The Lord be gracious and merciful and help you to live a life of dedication. God bless you.
Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day.