October 25, 2024

You Shall Be Satisfied - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Let us read from the book of Jeremiah 31:14, “My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.”

My dear brothers and sisters, God is addressing you as “My people,” showing His ownership over you. Secondly, He says, “They shall be satisfied with My goodness.” If God begins to do good, then all evil will disappear. That day, to change the evil done to Joseph into good, God performed a miracle for him, didn’t He? He took Joseph out of prison during the night, changed the cruelty and harm done to him, and appointed him as the ruler of Egypt. Today, He will perform a miracle for you as well.

“My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.” This means the good job that God is giving you, the good visa that God is granting you, the good life partner the Lord has prepared for you, the good gift of the womb, the good house, and the good spiritual experience the Lord provides. God will give you the good gift of salvation and help you live happily and peacefully on the face of this earth.

“My people shall be satisfied with My goodness.” This means God will bless you with good income, permanent income, and every form of goodness. The good health, the power, and the gift of the Holy Spirit will be given to you. God will satisfy you with all these, turning your dissatisfaction into contentment, helping you live joyfully in the Lord. You will find happiness in your business and education, satisfaction in your job, and fulfillment in your ministry. God will bless you in all things. From now on, you will no longer say that you are dissatisfied with your job or your ministry. God will bless you abundantly and honor you.

Now, let us end with a testimony from Sister Punitha of Kanyakumari. She has written: “My daughter’s nine-month-old child was suffering from a cold, and blood was flowing along with mucus from the child’s nose. When we took the child to the hospital, the doctors said that the intestine had gotten caught (sorigi pochi), and surgery was necessary. I called the God’s Love Prayer Tower and requested prayer for my grandchild. The prayer warriors prayed sincerely, and God heard the prayer. Without surgery, God granted perfect healing to my grandchild.”

Today, maybe your grandchild, parent, or someone in your family is suffering from a health issue, and the doctor has suggested surgery. But at the eleventh hour, God can change the situation, and even if surgery is advised, He can heal without it. It can happen for you today.

Dear Lord, we thank You. You are a God who does wonders and miracles for Your children. Lord, perform a miracle for them today. Let them witness Your goodness. You are a God who went about doing good while You were on this earth. Let Your children be satisfied with the goodness You provide. Clear all their debts. Turn their shame into honor. Give them sound sleep. Heal their diseases. Break all bondages. Grant them a bright future and honor them. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

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