October 21, 2024

You Shall Live - Bro. T. Stephen

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May the name of the Lord be glorified. Join me as we read from the book of Ezekiel 37:14, “I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live.”

My dear brothers and sisters, today you may be experiencing some weakness in your body. Or perhaps there is a blessing on the verge of dying or being lost. But today, the Lord is directly intervening in such problems. The Word says, “I will put My Spirit in you.” When the Spirit of the Lord comes into you, you will receive life. You might wonder, “But I’m already alive; why do I need life again?” The Bible says, “The soul that sins will surely die.” This means that even though your outward life may still exist, for some, the inner man has died. That’s what this verse indicates. When God sends His Spirit inside you, the spirit within—the inner man—is revived. The dead conscience is brought back to life. As a result, the external body, suffering from disease or the works leading to death, is revived, and a miracle happens.

Perhaps someone has performed sorcery or witchcraft against you, causing a life-threatening illness, a terrible weakness, or the failure of an organ. Or maybe pregnancy complications have led to the threat of death. Today, the Spirit of the Lord is descending upon you. Just as God breathed life into Adam, created from the dust, and made him a living being, today, that same Lord is coming into your homes to breathe the Spirit of God into those on their deathbeds, those affected by disease, or even those whose organs are no longer functioning. Even if a blessing appears to be in a dead position, God’s breath is bringing life to you. His Word is coming directly to you. God is giving you a new life. His resurrection power is coming upon you, transforming cancer, skin diseases, tuberculosis, sinus issues, nerve disorders, and breathing problems. Problems with the uterus, skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, and other organs are being healed. God is restoring every organ and making it new, and His divine touch will be felt by all. God is touching you today. If God’s Word is touching you, it means that God Himself is touching you through His Word. The Word of God says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” So if you are touched by the Word of God, it means you have been touched by God Himself. Wait on the Lord in faith, and you will experience His glory.

Today, I would like to share a testimony we received through the Mangala Vaarthai program. This testimony is from Sister Dharani Nataraja. She says, “I listen to the Mangala Vaarthai program every day, and it has been a great blessing to me. Last week, while I was walking, I felt as if something was pushing me down. Then, when I woke up in the morning, I experienced dizziness, which would go away after some time. In this condition, I started watching Brother Stephen’s program early in the morning. In that message, he said, ‘The Egyptian you see today, you shall never see again,’ quoting from Exodus 14:13. I prayed along with Brother, asking that the Egyptian, which represents the weakness in my body, the dizziness, chest pain, and the forces of Satan pushing me down, would depart from me. I prayed that I would never see them again. From that day onward, those problems ended. Now, I no longer experience chest pain, dizziness, or any other issues. God has kept me healthy.”

Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all Your children in the name of Jesus. Today, I ask that You perform a miracle in their lives. You have promised, “I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live.” May new life enter into them. Let the power of resurrection fill their lives. No matter which organs are damaged, Lord, I pray that You will renew them. Give them divine healing and long life. May they receive life. Revive their wombs, kidneys, lungs, liver, hearts, and all other organs. Let them function properly once again. We thank You, Lord, for doing so.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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